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The Police lyrics
Rehumanize Yourself lyrics
He goes out at night with his big boots on None of his friends know right from wrong They kick a boy to death 'cause he don't belong You've got to hum...
Rehumanize Yourself [German translation]
Er geht nachts aus, zieht seine dicken Stiefel an, keiner seiner Freunde kann Gut und Böse unterscheiden. Weil der nicht dazugehört, treten sie einen ...
Secret Journey lyrics
Upon a secret journey I met a holy man His blindness was his wisdom I'm such a lonely man And as the world was turning It rolled itself in pain This d...
Shadows in the Rain lyrics
Woke up in my clothes again this morning Don't know exactly where I am And I should heed my doctor's warning He does the best with me he can He claims...
So Lonely lyrics
Well, someone told me yesterday That when you throw your love away You act as if you just don't care You look as if you're going somewhere But I just ...
So Lonely [Croatian translation]
Pa, netko mi je rekao jučer Da kad odbaciš svoju ljubav Postupaš kao da te nije briga Gledaš kao da ideš negdje Ali ja se baš mogu uvjeriti Ja ne bih ...
So Lonely [German translation]
Nun, jemand hat mir gestern erzählt Dass man, wenn man seine Liebe wegwirft So tut, als wäre es einem einfach egal Man sieht aus, als ob man irgendwo ...
So Lonely [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν, κάποιος μου είπε χτες Ότι όταν πετάς την αγάπη σου Συμπεριφέρεσε σαν να μην σε νοιάζει Φαίνεσε σαν να πηγαίνεις κάπου Αλλά δεν μπορώ να πείσω ...
So Lonely [Hungarian translation]
Nos, valaki azt mondta a tegnap nekem, Hogy amikor eldobod a szerelmed, Akkor úgy csinálsz, mintha semmi sem számítana, Úgy nézel ki, mintha éppen men...
So Lonely [Romanian translation]
Ei bine, cineva mi-a zis ieri că atunci când îţi arunci dragostea, te porţi ca şi cum nu-ţi pasă arăţi ca şi cum te duci undeva Dar pur şi simplu nu m...
So Lonely [Spanish translation]
Bueno, alguien me dijo ayer que cuando te has deshecho de tu amor actúas como si, simplemente, nada te importase. Parece como si fueras de camino a al...
So Lonely [Turkish translation]
Dün birisi bana dedi ki Aşkı kaçırdığın zaman Umursamıyormuş gibi davranırsın Bir yere gidiyormuş gibi görünürsün Ama ben kendimi ikna edemiyorum Biri...
Someone to Talk To lyrics
Though it's me that's on fire not this cigarette I was stabbed in the back by that young suffragette And what do I care if she leaves me alone If I ne...
Spirits In The Material World lyrics
There is no political solution To our troubled evolution Have no faith in constitution There is no bloody revolution. We are spirits in the material w...
Spirits In The Material World [German translation]
Es gibt keine poltiische Lösung Für unsere beunruhigte Evolution Habe keinen Glauben an die Verfassung Es gibt keine blutige Revolution. Wir sind Geis...
Spirits In The Material World [Korean translation]
우리의 잘못된 진화에는 정치적 해결책 같은 건 없어 헌법에 신뢰를 가지지 마 피의 혁명 같은 건 없어 우리는 물질 세계의 영혼들이야 우리는 물질 세계의 영혼들이야 우리는 물질 세계의 영혼들이야 우리는 물질 세계의 영혼들이야 우리의 "지도자"들은 말하지 그들은 말으로 우...
Spirits In The Material World [Spanish translation]
No hay solución política Para nuestro problema de evolución No tenemos fé en la constitución No hay revolución sangrienta. Somos espíritus en el mundo...
Synchronicity I lyrics
With one breath With one flow You will know Synchronicity A sleep trance A dream dance A shared romance Synchronicity A connecting principle Linked to...
Synchronicity I [Bosnian translation]
Jednim dahom Jednim tokom Upoznat ćeš Sinhronicitet Spavanje u transu Ples u snu Podijeljenu romansu Sinhronicitet Konektovani principi Povezani s nev...
Synchronicity II lyrics
Another suburban family morning. Grandmother screaming at the wall. We have to shout above the din of our Rice Crispies We can't hear anything at all....
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