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Avril Lavigne lyrics
Alice [French translation]
Disjoncter Tourner dans tous les sens Je suis sous terre Je suis tombée Oui, je suis tombée J'ai peur, où est-ce que je me trouve ? La tête en bas et ...
Alice [French translation]
Je délire Je tournoie Je suis sous terre Je suis tombée Ouais je suis tombée Je deviens folle, où suis-je maintenant? À l'envers et je ne peux plus m'...
Alice [Georgian translation]
მე ვბოდავ ვტრიალებ მიწის ქვეშა ვარ დავეცი ჰოოო დავეცი გადავირიე, სადა ვარ ახლა? თავდაღმა მივფრინავ და ვეღარ ვჩერდები ვეღარ მაჩერებენ, ოო ოო [მისამღერი...
Alice [Greek translation]
Παραπατώ γυρίζω είμαι κάτω απο το έδαφος έπεσα ναι έπεσα Έχω φρικάρει,τώρα πού είμαι; ανάποδα και δεν μπορώ να το σταματήσω τώρα δεν μπορείς να με στα...
Alice [Greek translation]
Σκοντάφτοντας Γυρίζοντας Είμαι υπόγεια Έπεσα κάτω Ναι έπεσα κάτω Φρικάρω,που είμαι τώρα; Ανάποδα και δε μπορώ να το σταματήσω τώρα Δε μπορώ να με σταμ...
Alice [Hungarian translation]
Felfordulás, Pörgés-forgás, Csodaországban vagyok, Leestem ide, Igen, leestem. Kikészültem, hol vagyok most? Minden tótágast áll, nem tudok mit tenni....
Alice [Italian translation]
Inciampando Voltandomi Sono finita sottoterra Sono caduta giù Sì, sono caduta giù Sto impazzendo, adesso dove mi trovo? A testa in giù e non posso fer...
Alice [Persian translation]
پام میلغره میچرخم من زیر زمینم افتادم پایین آره افتادم پایین من دارم دچار توهم میشم,یعنی الان کجام؟ وارونه شدم و نمیتونم این اتفاق رو متوقف کنم حالا ن...
Alice [Portuguese translation]
Tropeçando Girando Estou no subterrâneo Eu caí É, eu caí Estou pirando, onde eu estou agora? De cabeça para baixo e não posso parar isso agora Não pod...
Alice [Romanian translation]
Împiedicându-mă Mă întorc Deasupra pământului Cad Yeah,cad Sunt speriată,unde sunt acum? Cu susul în jos şi nu îl pot opri Nu mă pot opri, oh oh Eu,vo...
Alice [Serbian translation]
Gubim razum Vrtim se u krug U podzemlju sam Pala sam da, pala sam Ja ludim, gde sam sad? Naopacke i sada ne mogu da prekinem Sada ne moze da me zausta...
Alice [Spanish translation]
Tropezando Dandome la vuelta Estoy bajo la tierra Me cai Oh si, cai Estoy volviendome loca, donde estoy ahora? Boca abajo (*de cabeza) y no puedo dete...
Alice [Thai translation]
เมามาย หมุนไปรอบ ๆ ฉันอยู่ใต้ดิน ฉันล้มลง ใช่ ฉันล้มลงแล้ว ฉันกําลังประหลาดใจ ฉันอยู่ที่ไหนเนี่ย กลับหัวกลับหาง และฉันหยุดมันไม่ได้ หยุดฉันตอนนี้ไม่ได...
Alice [Turkish translation]
Takla atıyorum Dönüyorum Yer altındayım Düşüyorum Evet düşüyorum Korkuyorum,neredeyim ben şimdi? Tepetaklağım ve bunu durduramıyorum Ben duramıyorum ş...
All You Will Never Know lyrics
You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans you’re on the fence you give me reasons I never seem to understand, they don’t make sense maybe ai...
All You Will Never Know [Finnish translation]
You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans you’re on the fence you give me reasons I never seem to understand, they don’t make sense maybe ai...
All You Will Never Know [French translation]
You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans you’re on the fence you give me reasons I never seem to understand, they don’t make sense maybe ai...
All You Will Never Know [Greek translation]
You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans you’re on the fence you give me reasons I never seem to understand, they don’t make sense maybe ai...
All You Will Never Know [Italian translation]
You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans you’re on the fence you give me reasons I never seem to understand, they don’t make sense maybe ai...
All You Will Never Know [Russian translation]
You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans you’re on the fence you give me reasons I never seem to understand, they don’t make sense maybe ai...
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