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Strappare lungo i bordi (OST) also performed lyrics
Fauve ≠ - Haut les cœurs
Mais arrête de me dire de ne pas m'énerver putain Ouais ça sert à rien, ouais Ouais ça sert à rien mais ça fait du bien tu vois Surtout qu'on sait fai...
Haut les cœurs [English translation]
Stop telling me not get fucking mad Yeah it's pointless yeah Yeah it's pointless but it feels good, you see Especially when shouting is all you know Y...
Ron - Non abbiam bisogno di parole
Adesso vieni qui E chiudi dolcemente gli occhi tuoi Vedrai che la tristezza passerà Il resto poi chissà Verrà domani Voglio star con te Baciare le tue...
Non abbiam bisogno di parole [English translation]
Now come here and gently close your eyes you'll see that sadness will go away and the rest, well who knows it will come tomorrow. I want to be with yo...
Non abbiam bisogno di parole [Portuguese translation]
Venha aqui agora E feche docemente os seus olhos Você verá que a tristeza passará Não importa o resto Virá amanhã Quero estar com você Beijar seus láb...
Non abbiam bisogno di parole [Serbian translation]
Sada dođi ovde, i nežno zatvori tvoje oči videćeš da će tuga proći, ostalo,ko zna, doći će sutra. Želim da budem sa tobom, da ljubim tvoje usne,da ti ...
Apparat - Black Water
Shapes still melt into the smoke Looking down at scattered bones I used to keep a slender hope 'Til they spread above the stone 'Til they spread above...
Black Water [German translation]
Shapes still melt into the smoke Looking down at scattered bones I used to keep a slender hope 'Til they spread above the stone 'Til they spread above...
Black Water [Spanish translation]
Shapes still melt into the smoke Looking down at scattered bones I used to keep a slender hope 'Til they spread above the stone 'Til they spread above...
Goodbye love
See the ghost up on the hill Watch as the ocean turns to still Watch as the fire burns to ash Watch as your life comes to pass Goodbye love, goodbye s...
Un battito ancora lyrics
Non ho santi in cielo sai, ma paura non ne ho Niente piani di riserva, qui il tempo passa come un treno Se mi guardo dritto allo specchio so che ho gi...
Un battito ancora [English translation]
I've got no saints watching over me from the sky, still I have no fear No backup plans, here times goes by like a train If I look at myself straight i...
Un battito ancora [German translation]
Ich hab keine Heiligen im Himmel, aber trotzdem keine Angst Keinen Plan B, hier vergeht die Zeit viel zu schnell Wenn ich mich direkt im Spiegel anseh...
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