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Lamb of God lyrics
The Subtle Arts Of Murder And Persuasion [French translation]
Le sombre homme-corneille est assis, il observe l'oubli, Le froid, le néant Il neige dans son esprit Il s'est créé à sa propre image Le désir qu'on lu...
The Undertow lyrics
You always needed people like me Directions for your fingers to point A crooked dealer's blaming spree I'm guaranteed to disappoint You're weak and sc...
The Undertow [Russian translation]
На таких, как я, не упадет цена, Поскольку у меня есть хватка. Есть прохиндей и есть его игра, Зуб даю, будет несладко. Ты слаб, напуган и руки умоешь...
To the End lyrics
I've held the hand of God And I've sang the Devil's song And when it comes my time No tears are gonna fall But some will light the fire And some will ...
Torches lyrics
The soul of the nation slowly withers (In the howl of the empty wind) As the spring lays crushed beneath the hammer (The invisible flame) My vision se...
Vigil lyrics
Our father thy will be done I have denied this life its worth I will not be the victim Sickness to you my master Here's to getting worse Hope it kills...
Vigil [German translation]
Unser Vater, dein Wille geschehe Ich habe diesem Leben seinen Wert abgesprochen Ich will nicht das Opfer sein Krankheit befalle dich, mein Herr Hier, ...
Visitation lyrics
The path I set out on took a turn When the axis shifted This is not the life I envisioned What's done is done The crime is committed Now the beast has...
Walk With me in Hell lyrics
Pray for blood, Pray for the cleansing, Pray for the flood, Pray for the end of this nightmare. This lie of a life can as quickly as it came dissolve....
Walk With me in Hell [Greek translation]
Προσευχηθείτε για αίμα, Προσευχηθείτε για την κάθαρση, Προσευχηθείτε για την πλημμύρα, Προσευχηθείτε για το τέλος αυτού του εφιάλτη. Αυτή η ψεύτικη ζω...
Walk With me in Hell [Serbian translation]
Moli se za krv Moli se za prociscenje Moli se za poplavu Moli se za kraj ovog kosmara Lazi ovog zivota mogu kako su dosle tako i otici Trazimo samo od...
Walk With me in Hell [Turkish translation]
Kan için dua et, Temizlenmek için dua et, Sel olsun diye dua et, Bu kabus bitsin diye dua et, Bu hayat yalanı geldiği gibi hızla sona da erer. Yalnızc...
Walk With me in Hell [Turkish translation]
Kan için Dua Et Temizlik için dua et Sel için dua et Kabusun bitmesi için dua et Bu hayatının yalanı sonunu getirecek Biz sadece cezayı geciktirmenin ...
We Die Alone lyrics
A moment in time worthy only of solitude A stranger not meant for another to see Are we the abandoned? Are we the deserter? Lived in the night so his ...
We Die Alone [French translation]
Un moment dans le temps ne méritant que la solitude, Un étranger n'était censé être vu de personne d'autre Avons-nous été abandonnés? Sommes-nous les ...
We Die Alone [Serbian translation]
Trenutak u vremenu koji je jedino vredan osame Stranac kome nije sudjeno da vidi drugog stranca Da li smo mi napusteni? Da li smo mi dezerteri? Ziveli...
What I've Become lyrics
Blank stares from broken men So withered from the poisons they can't remember when There were once honest reasons It's all a lie, it died 100, 000 mil...
Wine & Piss lyrics
Greet the day with a hateful heart Run to finish before I even start Stalk through paradise with a gun in my hand Falling to pieces in the promised la...
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