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Alexz Johnson lyrics
Over-Rated [Spanish translation]
Piensas que es genial sólo porque te están diciendo que tienes que tenerlo y entonces nunca lo extrañarás en absoluto. Necesitas la emoción sólo porqu...
Pick Up the Pieces lyrics
When I was adrift on an ocean all alone you came and rescued me when I was far from home. Rush of love around my heart just as I fell apart. Nobody ev...
Pick Up the Pieces [Spanish translation]
When I was adrift on an ocean all alone you came and rescued me when I was far from home. Rush of love around my heart just as I fell apart. Nobody ev...
Pleased to Meet You lyrics
Nightlife got my arms real good, holding me the way it should. I'm prayin' this can start real soon, to wake beside it in the afternoon. Moonlight lig...
Pleased to Meet You [Spanish translation]
La vida nocturna me sostiene fuertemente de los brazos, me aferra del modo en que debería hacerlo. Ruego por que esto empiece muy pronto para desperta...
Punk Rock Chick lyrics
I don't care about nobody. I don't care about myself. I couldn't care about my body. I couldn't care about my health. I don't carry no aggression. I d...
Punk Rock Chick [Serbian translation]
Ne marim ni za koga. Ne marim za sebe. Nije me briga za moje telo. Nije me briga za moje zdravlje. Nemam nikakve ratobornosti u sebi. Ne žalim ni za č...
Punk Rock Chick [Spanish translation]
No me importa nadie. No me importo yo misma. No podría importarme mi cuerpo. No podría importarme mi salud. No cargo ninguna agressión. No cargo ningú...
Read My Mind lyrics
Where've you been? I've been fine. What'd you see? It's been some time. (Everywhere I go the light is gone...) (Everywhere I go the light is gone...) ...
Read My Mind [Spanish translation]
Where've you been? I've been fine. What'd you see? It's been some time. (Everywhere I go the light is gone...) (Everywhere I go the light is gone...) ...
Right Now lyrics
I never knew the situation. Didn't think that it was one of those kinds from a different generation. You can't deny this is a stranger time. A strange...
Right Now [French translation]
Je n'ai jamais su la situation. Je ne pensais pas que c'était de ce genre d'une génération différence Tu ne peux pas nier que c'est une époque plus ét...
Right Now [Portuguese translation]
Eu nunca soube a situação. Não pense que eu era uma dessas de uma geração diferente. Você não pode negar que estamos numa época mais estranha. Uma épo...
Right Now [Spanish translation]
Nunca supe de la situación. No pensé que fuera una de esas de una generación diferente. No puedes negar que esta es una época más extraña. Una época m...
Run for Your Life lyrics
There's a full moon on the rise. She'll turn into a wolf tonight. You'll spot her by her yellow eyes. She must survive. Can't help herself. You have t...
Run for Your Life [Spanish translation]
Hay una luna llena en ascenso. Ella se convertirá en lobo esta noche. La reconocerás por sus ojos amarillas. Ella debe sobrevivir. No puede evitarlo. ...
Running Back lyrics
The phone is off the hook and Jimmy's got a gun, Sherry's in the river and the river's gonna run again, uh yeah. So you don't know where to go, you do...
Running with the Devil lyrics
Looking up straight, find a hand on his shoulder, trying to find his way through the city, crawling through an alley. On the floor by your door, needi...
Running with the Devil [Spanish translation]
Mirando hacia adelante, encuentra una mano en su hombro, tratando de hallar su camino a través de la ciudad, arrastrándose a lo largo de un callejón. ...
Ruthless Love lyrics
There is a time to be alone. A time when you buy new shoes. A time for grieving. A time for believing. A time to lose. There is a feeling that won't s...
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