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Alexz Johnson lyrics
I Fell [Spanish translation]
No me dejaré enredar. No pasaré por esto otra vez. No me levantaré si no te sientas. No dejaré que me ingieras. Después caí, o caí. Empieza. No voy a ...
I Just Wanted Your Love lyrics
You got time if time is what you needed. You're not mine. I rather not believe you're fine. Rather think you're up all night. You're alright. You knew...
I Just Wanted Your Love [Spanish translation]
Tienes tiempo si tiempo es lo que necesitabas. No eres mío. Prefiero no creer que estás bien. Prefiero pensar que estás despierto toda la noche. Estás...
I Still Love You lyrics
If we walk away now, there's no turning around. Gotta say what I mean while you're here with me. I'm not sure I'll find words to cover the hurt that I...
I Still Love You [Spanish translation]
Si nos retiramos ahora, no hay vuelta atrás. Tengo que decir lo que quiero decir mientras estés aquí conmigo. No estoy segura de si encontraré palabra...
I Will Fall in Love lyrics
I see myself through your eyes. It came out of the blue. Who'd have thought that a heartbreak could ever lead me to you? You pull stars from the skies...
I Will Fall in Love [Spanish translation]
Me veo a mí misma en tus ojos. Fue de la nada. ¿Quién habría pensado que un desamor podría llevarme a ti? Tu tomas las estrellas de los cielos y las c...
I'm in Love with My Guitar lyrics
I've been trying too hard, I've been spinning around. Got people chasing me down. Gotta find a way back to my world somehow, somehow. Right now I wann...
I'm in Love with My Guitar [Spanish translation]
Lo he estado intentando demasiado, he estado dando vueltas. Tengo gente persiguiéndome. Tengo que hallar un camino de vuelta a mi mundo de algún modo,...
Inconveniences lyrics
It's just another test on me I'm waiting to endure. It's pulling out my heart and throwing it against the door. It's just another thing for me to brea...
Inconveniences [Spanish translation]
Es sólo otra prueba para mí que estoy esperando aguantar. Está arrancándome el corazón y lanzándolo contra la puerta. Es sólo otra cosa que tengo que ...
It Could Be You lyrics
You and me, all alone. It's too late to say we didn't know. We shouldn't be all alone. One of us might lose control. All these feelings we've been hid...
It Could Be You [Spanish translation]
Tú y yo, totalmente solos. Es demasiado tarde para decir que no lo sabíamos. No deberíamos estar totalmente a solas. Uno de los dos podría perder el c...
James Dean lyrics
He couldn't keep you safe if he tried, but when he let you see in his liquid eyes it became a crime - take him away. Doesn't know how to love, doesn't...
James Dean [Spanish translation]
No podía mantenerte a salvo aunque lo intentara pero cuando te dejaba ver dentro de sus ojos líquidos se volvía un crimen; llévatelo lejos. No sabe có...
Just Around the Bend lyrics
I’m just around the bend. I heard you were in need of a friend. I can come on over, and we’ll paint the town in red. I’ll bring my guitar. Just stay w...
Just Around the Bend [Spanish translation]
I’m just around the bend. I heard you were in need of a friend. I can come on over, and we’ll paint the town in red. I’ll bring my guitar. Just stay w...
L.A. Made Me lyrics
(L.A. ain't gonna let me go...) (L.A. owns my...) Baby, baby, one without a name, can't you see they're pouring you down the drain? (I know, I know, I...
L.A. Made Me [Spanish translation]
(L.A. no me va a soltar...) (L.A. es dueña de...) Cariño, cariño, una sin nombre, ¿no ves que te están vertiendo en el desagüe? (Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé, ...
Let 'Em Eat Cake lyrics
You tell your brother you don't know nothin' 'bout me. You tell your sister, no sense in following. Another season, another year gone by. To one anoth...
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