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Alexz Johnson lyrics
Waste My Time [Spanish translation]
Mis amigos me dicen que perdí la cabeza cuando me enganché contigo. Quizá sea verdad. Dijeron que despertaría un día preguntando, "¿Qué hice?" Quizá s...
Weight lyrics
History repeats. It keeps you on your feet. The faster it goes, it keeps you on your toes. It's told, shillings, and keeping all these things will jus...
Weight [German translation]
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich. Sie hält dich auf Trab. Je schneller sie geht, Sie hält dich auf Trab. Man sagt, Schillinge Und all dieses Zeug zu beh...
Weight [Portuguese translation]
A história se repete. Isso te mantém de pé. O mais rápido que vai, te deixa nos dedos dos seus pés. Conta-se que os shillings, e guardando todas essas...
Weight [Spanish translation]
La historia se repite. Te mantiene en pie. Entre más rápido va, te mantiene de puntas. Dicen que los chelines y el guardar todas estas cosas sólo te a...
Weight of the War lyrics
No, I won't break and I won't bend. Look who's now the fireman. I won't stop, I'll never get caught. Can soon rest my heart again? And I know it's gon...
Weight of the War [Spanish translation]
No, I won't break and I won't bend. Look who's now the fireman. I won't stop, I'll never get caught. Can soon rest my heart again? And I know it's gon...
Where Does It Hurt? lyrics
Where does it hurt? Tell me 'cause I understand the words of a heart beating like waves in my head. We can't hide. We'll never lie. I'll always see in...
Where Does It Hurt? [Spanish translation]
¿Dónde te duele? Dime, pues yo entiendo las palabras de un corazón latiendo como olas en mi cabeza. No podemos escondernos. Nunca mentiremos. Siempre ...
Where's the Sky? lyrics
Is anybody listening? Can anyone see through this fog? Feeling like you're in the race but you never even started at all. Staring at my empty face. Lo...
Where's the Sky? [Spanish translation]
¿Hay alguien escuchando? ¿Puede alguien ver a través de esta niebla? Se siente como estar en una carrera pero que nunca la empezaste del todo. Miro fi...
White Lines lyrics
I tried to tell you I've got to get away. I tried to say I need my space. I got to get some distance in between my heart and my head - I'm on the razo...
White Lines [Russian translation]
Я пыталась сказать тебе, что мне нужно было убираться прочь. Я пыталась сказать, что мне нужно личное пространство Мне нужно немного расстояние между ...
White Lines [Serbian translation]
Pokušala sam ti reći da moram da odem. Pokušala sam reći da mi treba prostora. Pojavila se određena daljina između mog srca i moje glave - na rubu sam...
White Lines [Spanish translation]
Intenté decirte que tenía que alejarme. Intenté decir que necesito mi espacio. Debo poner algo de distancia entre mi corazón y mi cabeza; estoy al fil...
Who Am I Fooling? lyrics
My skin doesn't fit My words seem so hollow I feel like a fraud And that's a bitter pill to swallow Sometimes it hits me right between the eyes Everyo...
Who Am I Fooling? [French translation]
Ma peau est mal ajustée, mes mots sonnent tellement creux. J'ai l'impression d'être un imposteur, et c'est dur à avaler. Parfois ça me saute aux yeux ...
Who Am I Fooling? [Spanish translation]
Mi piel no me cabe Mis palabras parecen tan vacías Me siento como un fraude Y esa es una píldora amarga A veces me choca justo entre los ojos Todos pu...
Wings of a Dove lyrics
Wake up with a cage... around me. My heart is in a knot, my lashes getting cut. It's fake... I hate you, for everything you did, the fight we never fo...
Wings of a Dove [Spanish translation]
Wake up with a cage... around me. My heart is in a knot, my lashes getting cut. It's fake... I hate you, for everything you did, the fight we never fo...
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