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Zolita lyrics
Days roll into nights and nights roll into days When you touch me like that I can't get away I'm so present in your presence I try to leave but you're...
Come Home With Me lyrics
Girl where you going? You’re looking unsure That boy you came for He left with her I know you’re lonely too If you come with me promise I will take ca...
Drug Me Now lyrics
[Verse 1] This flame's burned out And I've had enough of you The feeling's gone Our minds are numb And now eyes rolling, darling I can't get enough of...
Explosion lyrics
[Verse 1] Your magic is my disease Corrupt my mind with dirty dreams It's a mindless love affair One hot mess of bleach blonde hair And I could kiss h...
Explosion [Italian translation]
La tua magia è il mio desiderio [inteso sessuale] corrompi la mia mente con sogni impuri è unirragionevole problema d'amore una confusione caliente di...
Explosion [Serbian translation]
Strofa 1 Tvoja magija je moja bolest Korumpiraj mi um prljavim snovima To je nepromišljena ljubavna afera Jedan nered od izblajhane plave kose I mogla...
Explosion [Turkish translation]
Senin sihrin benim hastalığımdır Kirli rüyalarla aklımı bozan Bu akıl almaz bir aşk meselesi Bir tane ateşli sarışın saçlı karışımı Ben onu öpebilirdi...
Fight Like a Girl lyrics
I will sleep when I’m dead A revolution’s waking up in my head You wanna listen what a real girl said It’s a woman’s world Boy I’ll stop you right the...
Fight Like a Girl [Serbian translation]
Spavaću kad umrem Revolucija mi sinu Hoćeš da čuješ šta je prava devojka rekla? To je ženin svet. Dečko, zaustaviću te ovde. Pokušavaš da me uzdrmaš, ...
Fight Like a Girl [Turkish translation]
Öldüğümde uyuyacağım Kafamda bir devrim uyanıyor Gerçek bir kızın ne söylediğini dinlemek istiyorsunuz Bu bir kadının dünyası Oğlum, sizi tam orada du...
Holy lyrics
[Verse 1] Worship your body as you walk my way You're the only one who can make me pray I fall at your feet, your breath defined And underneath my ski...
Holy [Dutch translation]
[Vers 1] Aanbid jou lichaam als je mijn kant op loopt Jij bent de enige die me kan laten bidden ik val aan je voeten, jouw adem gedefinieerd En onder ...
Holy [Italian translation]
[Verse 1] Venero il tuo corpo mentre ti avvicini a me, Sei l'unica che è capace di farmi pregare, Cado ai tuoi piedi, definito il tuo respiro, E sotto...
Holy [Portuguese translation]
[Verso 1] Adore-me enquanto me acompanha Você é o único que pode me fazer orar Eu caio sobre seus pés, sua respiração distinta Um peculiar santuário e...
Holy [Romanian translation]
Strofa 1 Îl venerez pe corpul tău când vii spre mine Ești singura care poți să mă faci să mă rog Eu cad la picioarele tale, respirația ta e definită Ș...
Holy [Russian translation]
[1 куплет] Восхищайся собой, пока идешь по моему пути. Ты единственная, кто сможет заставить меня молиться. Я падаю к твоим ногам, твое дыхание сбилос...
Holy [Turkish translation]
Yolumdan yürürken vücuduna tapıp Beni dua ettirebilecek tek kişi sensin Ayaklarına düşüyorum, nefesini belirliyorum Ve derimin altında gerçek bir tapı...
Hurt Me Harder lyrics
[Verse 1] I miss crying over you I miss lying 'bout what someone knew And feeling less means hurting less But it ain't the same without the pain [Chor...
Hurt Me Harder [Russian translation]
Я скучаю по слезам, пролитым из-за тебя, Я скучаю по лжи о том, что кто-то знал. Меньше чувствовать - значит меньше страдать, Но это все не то же само...
Kill For You lyrics
[Verse 1: Zolita] I belong to you Is my body worthy Of everything you do? Weakness lies between your thighs Pretty mouth tells dirty lies I'm the dope...
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