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Nina Nesbitt lyrics
Make me fall [French translation]
Quelques fois je souhaite Que nous puissions nous aimer de la même manière Que lorsque nous n'avions pas grandi Toutes ces choses que je fais Elles ne...
Make me fall [Greek translation]
Καμιά φορά εύχομαι Να μπορούσαμε να αγαπάμε όπως Όταν δεν ήμασταν μεγάλοι Όλα αυτά που κάνω Δεν είναι ποτέ αρκετά Και δεν έχω τίποτα ν' αποδείξω Μου τ...
Make me fall [Romanian translation]
Uneori îmi doresc Doar sá ne iubim, ca pe vremea cand Când nu eram incá maturi. Toate aceste lucruri pe care le fac Nu sunt niciodatá destul Și nu am ...
Make me fall [Turkish translation]
Bazen keşke Sadece,yetişkin olmadığımız zaman Davrandığımız şekilde sevebilseydik Yaptığım bütün bu şeyler Asla tam olarak yeterli değil Ve ispatlayac...
Masquerade lyrics
There's a stranger in my bed Lighting up a cigarette Looking at me like he's lost There's a letter by his side Burning with the reasons why Our mask h...
Mr C lyrics
You must be blind, you’re blind, you’re blind Or maybe I’m unkind, unkind, unkind You’re the rich boy from my town, my town, my town But that can’t wi...
Mr C [Greek translation]
Πρέπει να είσαι τυφλός, είσαι τυφλός, είσαι τυφλός Η ίσως εγώ είμαι αφιλόφρων, αφιλόφρων, αφιλόφρων Είσαι το πλούσιο παιδί απ' τη πόλη μου, πόλη μου, ...
Mr C [Italian translation]
Devi essere cieco, sei cieco, sei cieco O forse io sono scortese, scortese, scortese Sei il ragazzo ricco della mia città, la mia città, la mia città ...
Mr C [Spanish translation]
Debes estar ciego, ciego, ciego O quizás yo sea desagradable, desagradable, desagradable Eres el niño rico de mi ciudad, mi ciudad, mi ciudad Pero eso...
No Interest lyrics
Sit on the bus and I get on the backseat With a hooded and a bottle of JD I'm Throwing looks cause the baby's crying Wish the mother would stop denyin...
No Interest [Greek translation]
Κάθομαι στο λεωφορείο και ανεβαίνω στο πίσω κάθισμα Με κουκούλα και ένα μπουκάλι Τζακ Ντάνιελς Κοιτάω περίεργα γιατί κλαίει το μωρό Μακάρι η μάνα να μ...
No Interest [Italian translation]
Mi siedo in un posto in fondo all'autobus con un cappuccio e una bottiglia di JD Lancio degli sguardi perché il bambino sta piangendo Vorrei che la ma...
No Interest [Spanish translation]
Me siento en el autobus en el asiento trasero encapuchada y con una botella de JD (Jack Daniels) Husmeando ... porque un bebé está llorando desearía q...
No Interest [Turkish translation]
Otobüse oturup arka koltuğa geçerim Kapşonlu ve bir şişe JD ile Bakışlar atıyorum çünkü bebek ağlıyor Umarım annesi süt verir artık Ben de ''The Vacci...
Noserings & Shoestrings lyrics
Ruffled hair, a lose shoestring Covered arms and a nose ring He's just misguided I think He goes out till the lights up He doesn't care for the day (m...
Noserings & Shoestrings [Greek translation]
Με ανακατεμένα τα μαλλιά, λυμένο το κορδόνι του ενός παπουτσιού Tα χέρια καλυμμένα με τατουάζ κι έναν κρίκο στη μύτη Είναι απλά παραπλανημένος μου φαί...
Noserings & Shoestrings [Spanish translation]
Pelo ondulado, un cordón suelto Brazos tapados y un aro en la nariz Creo que solo está equivocado Sale hasta que la luz sale No le importa el día (mmm...
Not Me lyrics
Keep trying to pinch myself, Wake up from this bad dream, Of you being with someone else, ‘Cause you were always with me. I only push you away, hoping...
Only Love lyrics
Lemons are bitter, If you bite them with your two front teeth Now he’s acting similar, Because you’re the one now that is biting me His feelings are c...
Only Love [Greek translation]
Τα λεμόνια είναι ξινά, Αν τα δαγκώσεις με τα δύο μπροστινά σου δόντια Τώρα κι αυτός φέρεται παρόμοια Γιατί τώρα εσύ είσαι αυτός που με δαγκώνει Τα συν...
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