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Greta Van Fleet lyrics
Meet on the Ledge
We used to say That come the day We'd all be making songs Or finding better words These ideas never lasted long The way is up Along the road The air i...
A Change Is Gonna Come lyrics
[Verse] I was born by the river In a little tent And just like river, baby I've been running ever since [Chorus] It's been a long Long time coming And...
A Change Is Gonna Come [Turkish translation]
Nehrin kıyısında doğdum ben Küçük bir çadırda Ve tıpkı nehir gibi bebeğim O zamandan beri akıp gidiyorum Uzun zaman oldu Uzun zamandır (bize) yaklaşıy...
Age of Machine lyrics
[Verse 1] Perfect child Plugged in since the womb Prophet of the dune In this electric tomb Man has made An omnipresent force Heading on a course For ...
Age of Machine [Bosnian translation]
[Strofa 1] Savršeno dijete Uključen otkad si bio u maternici Prorok dina U ovoj električnoj grobnici Čovjek je napravio Sveprisutnu silu Krenuo je na ...
Age of Machine [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] Mükemmel çocuk Rahimden beri fişe takılı Kumların Peygamberi Bu elektrik mezarında Adam var oldu Her yerde var olan bir güç Bir kursa gidiyo...
Age Of Man lyrics
[Intro] In an age of darkness light appears And it wards away the ancient fears March to the anthem of the heart To a brand new day, a brand new start...
Age Of Man [Bosnian translation]
[Ulaz] U doba mraka svjetlo se pojavi I drži stražu protiv drevnih strahova Marširaj uz himnu srca Do novog dana, potpuno novog početka [Strofa 1] Do ...
Age Of Man [Portuguese translation]
[Intro] Em uma era de escuridão, surge a luz Afastando os medos antigos Marcha ao hino do coração A um novo dia, um novo começo [Verso 1] A terras enc...
Age Of Man [Russian translation]
В Средневековье появился луч света - Он защита от древних страхов - Маршируя под гимн сердца К началу нового дня V1. В стране чудес из льда и снега В ...
Age Of Man [Swedish translation]
[Intro] I en tid av mörker kommer ljuset fram Och avvärjer de antika rädslorna Marschera till hjärtats hymn Mot en helt ny dag, en helt ny början [Ver...
Always There lyrics
You've been waiting for your lover When you'll discover She's always there Walk wild in her summer She is the drummer Of your beating heart Won't you ...
Anthem lyrics
[Verse 1] With the news, there's something every day So many people thinking different ways, you say Where is the music? A tune to free the soul A sim...
Anthem [Swedish translation]
[vers 1] Med nyheterna, är det något varje dag Så mycket folk som tänker på olika sätt, säger du Vart är musiken? En melodi för att frigöra själen En ...
Black Smoke Rising lyrics
Did you know there was a tower Where they look out to the land To see the people Quickly passing by This is for their own desire As they spit down to ...
Black Smoke Rising [Croatian translation]
Jesi li znao da je tamo bila kula Odakle nadgledaju zemlju Da vide ljude Koji brzo prolaze Ovo je radi njihove osobne želje Kad pljunu dolje na Zemlju...
Black Smoke Rising [German translation]
Wusstest du, dass es einen Turm gibt Von wo aus sie auf das Land blicken Um die Leute zu sehen Die schnell vorbeihasten Das entspricht ihrem eigenen S...
Black Smoke Rising [Italian translation]
Sapevi che c'è una torre Di dove guardano la terra Per vedere le persone Rapidamente passare Questo è per la loro propria avidità Mentre sputano al su...
Black Smoke Rising [Portuguese translation]
Você sabia que há uma torre Onde eles olham para a terra Para verem as pessoas passando com pressa? Isso é para a própria cobiça deles Enquanto cospem...
Black Smoke Rising [Russian translation]
Вы знали, была башня, Где они они смотрели на землю, Чтобы увидеть людей, Быстро проходящих мимо. Это по их собственному желанию, Как они плевали вниз...
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