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Theatre of Tragedy lyrics
Sweet Art Thou lyrics
Stay still patient; wilt thou my sister of merciful troth be? I shall attempt the halter of thy life make less lighten'd! I shall climb the yew, Will ...
To These Words I Beheld No Tongue lyrics
Whether the throned Monarch weareth the crown, Which I know not whether to his belongeth; Doth he hence the sceptre sway? Seasoneth he justice? - Dare...
Venus lyrics
Circa mea pectora multa sunt suspiria De tua pulchritudine, que me ledunt misere. Venus! - I trow'd thou wast my friend - Professed to Heaven thou wou...
Venus [English translation]
Inside my heart many are the sighs for your beauty, which gravely grieve me Venus! - I trusted you were my friend - Pretending to Heaven you were will...
Venus [English translation]
Around my chest there are so many sighs For your beauty, that has hurted me bitterly. Venus! - I trusted that you were my friend Professed to heaven y...
Venus [German translation]
Meine Brust ist voll von Seufzern, Die mich elendiglich plagen ob deiner Schönheit. Venus! - Ich dachte, du wärst meine Freundin - Dem Himmel versprac...
Venus [Kurdish [Kurmanji] translation]
Pir gelekin zing zingên li nav dilê min Ji bo delalîya te, min kirina taya giran. Gelawêj! - Min bawer kir ku tu hevalê min î Xwe çêdikirî ji Bihuştê ...
Venus [Persian translation]
تو سینه ام پر از آه و افسوسه برای زیبایی ات،که بسیار در رنجم ونوس,من به دوستیبا تو اعتماد داشتم به هفت آسمان وانمود کردم که تو بازمیگردی همچو یک پیرو ...
Venus [Portuguese translation]
Em torno de meu peito há muitos suspiros Por tua beleza, que me feriu miséravelmente. Venus! - Eu confiei que você era minha amiga Professada aos céus...
Venus [Spanish translation]
En mi pecho hay muchos suspiros por tu hermosura, que me lastiman, ¡ay de mí! ¡Venus! Yo creía que eras mi amiga. Juraste al cielo que te me otorgaría...
Virago lyrics
Twit me, I am thy tyke; Meekness for thee aught. Yerk me to weal daut', Sweven nor Muse Wad taw me to this ruddy hue - Wark aptly my drear, 'Hesting d...
Virago [Portuguese translation]
Insulta-me, sou teu vira-latas; Mansidão, para ti de qualquer modo. Incite-me ao bem estar Visões tampouco Musa Um chumaço me tingiu com este tom aver...
Voices lyrics
Two views of the locations merging into three or more An endless flow of words and miles and miles of stars Re-focus on distant stars Brings less voic...
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