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Theatre of Tragedy lyrics
Bacchante lyrics
Haste not thine wisdom, for the hollow is ta'en - By whom, know I not; 'lack! am I of twain - And as a crux - cede I my words - Have I been 'sooth sin...
Beauty of Deconstruction lyrics
Echoes that somehow Can surround us Can resound through stillness Like thoughts of shifting this balance Ideas of ideals convolve like intricate phase...
Begin and End lyrics
Don't know inside from upside-down We praise the famed unwittingly If we had read that we are but illiterate What would we do? Keep inventory of thing...
Black As The Devil Painteth lyrics
An artist is what is call'd the self that the brush holdeth - Though hath it then caringly caress'd the Canvas of to-morrow? O Canvas! for thee I hold...
Black As The Devil Painteth [Hebrew translation]
אומן, כך נקרא הוא האוחז במכחול. אך האם באדיבות הוא ליטף את אריג השחר1 שלו? הו אריג יקר, למענך עודני אוחז במכחול. ועדיין, רוטט הוא - אך בחוסר רצון 2 אד...
Black As The Devil Painteth [Turkish translation]
bir ressam fırçasıyla anılır ama o boş bir kanvasa sarıldı yarınların olmasını istediği kanvasa o kanvas! seni boyamak için fırçamı elimde tutuyorum a...
Bring Forth Ye Shadow lyrics
"Time is an abyss - Profound as a thousand nights; I sojourn my haste, I make respites For what availeith this eager pace?"     "One step more naught ...
Bring Forth Ye Shadow [Hebrew translation]
"הזמן הוא תהום עמוקה כמו אלף לילות אני משכין את פזיזותי, איני ממהר וכי למה מועיל להט חיפזון זה?" "ועדיין הינך במרחק צעד בודד מכליון שמור על מורשתך1 - ...
Cassandra lyrics
He gave to her, yet tenfold claimed in return - She hath no life but the one he for her wrought; Proffered to her his walking heart - she turned it do...
Cassandra [Belarusian translation]
Ёй дар ўручыў; ў шмат (дзесяць) разоў ён больш чакаў.* Яе жыццю -- толькі ён адзiн служыў. Ўручыў сваё (Даверыў усё) ёй сэрца ён, аль здрадзіла, Адкры...
Cassandra [German translation]
Er schenkte ihr eine Gabe, doch zehnfach als Gegenleistung beansprucht Sie hat kein Leben mehr, ihr Leben gehört nur ihm. Er hat ihr sein wandelndes H...
Cassandra [Greek translation]
Εκείνος της έδωσε, του ζήτησε όμως το δεκαπλάσιο σε αντάλαγμα Δεν είχε ζωή παρά μόνο αυτήν που εκείνος έπλασε για χάρη της Της πρόσφερε την ζωντανή κα...
Cassandra [Italian translation]
Le fu' donato, ma dieci volte tanto era il prezzo - La vita nacque gia' per lei plasmata; Offertole il procelloso cuore - lo rifiuto', respinto da pro...
Cassandra [Portuguese translation]
Ele deu a ela, mas pediu de volta dez vezes mais - Ela não tinha vida a não ser a que ele lhe forjara; Ofereceu a ela seu coração desperto - ela o rec...
Cassandra [Russian translation]
Он наделил ее великим даром, но взамен забрал вдесятикратно. Отныне она больше не принадлежит себе; ее судьба в его руках всецело. Свое пылающее страс...
Cassandra [Russian translation]
Ей дар вручил; «долго он ответа»* ждал. Её вся жизнь – только он, служил, терпя. Вручил своё (Доверил ей) онсердце ей (всё), но предала, Открыла обеща...
Cassandra [Spanish translation]
Él le daba a ella, mas reclamaba diez veces a cambio - Ella no tiene vida aparte de la que él por ella ha forjado; Ofrecido a ella el corazón ambulant...
Cassandra [Turkish translation]
Ona kalbini verdi; ama o, on katını daha istedi - O kadının bir hayatı yoktu; adamın inşa ettikleri dışında; Coşkulu yüreğini ona vermek istedi, ama o...
Cheerful Dirge lyrics
Hap mirthfulness! - Oh! joy of grand riddance; Undress me my hauberk! - the wyern hath errant'd. Ire of yore - bard of e'eryears - I deem the brood ha...
Cheerful Dirge [Turkish translation]
mutluluğum, görevimi bitirmenin neşesi zırhımı çıkarın, eve gidiyorum yılların aşkı, yılların şairi yıllara karşı kalbindeki güvercinler ölmedi mi? ka...
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