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Stone Sour lyrics
Monolith [Serbian translation]
Da li sam ja gresan? Daleko sam dogurao prilicno brzo I nisam svestan po pitanju mnogih stvari Sve mi izgleda tako stvarno Posvetio sam se Voleo bih d...
My name is Allen lyrics
Hope of the hopeless, gathering focus I have no pity for a prison that died Don’t even say it, consider the source again Your indecision let me make u...
Nylon 6/6 lyrics
You stay locked in your head while you're raising the dead All your neophytes hanging on everything you said You can take it from me since you took it...
Nylon 6/6 [Spanish translation]
Te quedaste encerrada en tu cabeza mientras te levantas de la muerte Todos tus neófitos pendientes de todo lo que dijiste Puedes tomarlo de mí ya que ...
Omega lyrics
What a skeletal wreck of man this is. Translucent flesh and feeble bones, the kind of temple where the whores and villains try to tempt the holistic d...
Orchids lyrics
You hold me inside your iris like A terminal stain on life You condescend to my primal brain And twist me around like a knife Can't begin to explain T...
Orchids [Serbian translation]
Drzis me unutar svog irisa Kao terminalnu mrlju zivota Ti se udostojavas mom primalnom mozgu I vrtis me u krug kao noz Ne mogu ni da pocnem da ti obja...
Peckinpah lyrics
So I'm back in the corner Looking at either side again There's a terrible knowledge That comes from being arrogant Don't hold your breath, just keep w...
Pieces lyrics
Can you tell me how far I've come, and can you tell me Where I've been? Never stopped - I knew I should have run but now I don't Remember where I am A...
Pieces [French translation]
Peux-tu me dire jusqu'où je suis venu, et peux-tu me dire Où j'ai été ? Je n'ai jamais arrêté - je savais que j'aurais dû courir, Mais maintenant je n...
Pieces [Spanish translation]
¿Puedes decirme qué tan lejos he llegado? ¿y puedes decirme dónde he estado? Nunca me detuve - Sé que debería haber corrido pero ahora No recuerdo don...
Reborn lyrics
I am walking through your streets I am looking in your windows I am elemental now You'll never even know I'm there I am watching over you I am living ...
Red City lyrics
Until the pages of this book are filled with emptiness I'm still suspended by a thread Expecting nothing less I feel my kindred little ways I know how...
Road Hogs lyrics
Born and raised in this place called life I got a serious case of the clap (Yeah!) Dirty business killin' and stealin' I'm a bona fide psycho and I'm ...
Rose Red Violent Blue [This Song Is Dumb & So Am I] lyrics
Excuse me, oh pardon me I'm still sticky on the inside There comes a time where all I do Is sit around in contemplation and curse my situation I'm jus...
Rose Red Violent Blue [This Song Is Dumb & So Am I] [Greek translation]
Συγγνώμη, με συγχωρείτε κολλάω λίγο ακόμα μέσα Έρχεται μια στιγμή που το μόνο που κάνω Είναι να κάθομαι σε ενατένιση και να καταριέμαι την κατάσταση μ...
RU486 lyrics
This record is an unseen enemy of the human mind You are going to relax Use it regularly, bring your mind to follow the suggestions to an unpleasant d...
Rules Of Evidence lyrics
Come on! You help me survive You're the reason I'm alive Speak softly, cyanide Passed from your mouth into mine Your breathing sounds like the sickest...
Sadist lyrics
Withering eyes catch you as you fall A bitter sigh - no one moves at all Let me in for one more long disgrace Just forget the same distractions you re...
Sadist [Italian translation]
Occhi che appassiscono ti osservano mentre cadi Un sospiro amaro - che nessuno si muova Lasciami entrare per un'ennesima lunga disgrazia Dimentica sol...
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