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Cyndi Lauper also performed lyrics
La vie en rose [Chinese translation]
有著深情俯瞰著我的眼神 有種讓人迷失在他嘴裡的笑容 這種沒有任何修飾的表態 來自這位我心所屬的的男人 當他擁我入懷 他對我輕聲細語 我看見玫瑰般的人生 他對我表情鍾述情懷1 日日夜夜侃侃而谈2 而這對我意義非凡3 他走進了我的心裡 一種幸福的感覺4 因此我了然於心5 在生命裡,他為我而生,我為他而來...
La vie en rose [Croatian translation]
Oči koje natjeraju moje da se spuste Osmjeh koji se gubi na njegovim usnama Izvolite portret bez retuširanja Čovjeka kojem pripadam Kad meuzme u naruč...
La vie en rose [Czech translation]
Oči, ktěré mě přinutily sklopit můj zrak smích, který se ztrácí na ústech toto je nepozměněný portrét muže, kterému patřím Když mě vezme do své náruče...
La vie en rose [Danish translation]
Øjne, der får mig til at sænke mine Et smil der er tabt på hans læber Dette er det uretoucherede billede Af manden jeg tilhører Når han tager mig i si...
La vie en rose [Dutch translation]
Ogen die me vlinders geven, een lach die alsmaar dieper wordt, ziedaar de man waar niets aan schort, met deze man deel ik mijn leven. Als zijn liefde ...
La vie en rose [Dutch translation]
Ogen die de mijne doen neerslaan Een lach die verdwaalt op zijn mond Hier is het portret zonder bewerking Van de man aan wie ik toebehoor Wanneer hij ...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Eyes that swallow mine, A laugh lost on his lips Here is the unaltered picture Of the man to whom I belong When he takes me in his arms He speaks to m...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Eyes that gaze into mine, A smile that is lost on his lips— That is the unretouched portrait Of the man to whom I belong. When he takes me in his arms...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Eyes which make me lower mine a laugh that gets lost on his lips this is the image without retouching of the man to whom I belong when he takes me in ...
La vie en rose [English translation]
With eyes that make mine fall And lips that hide a smile This is the portrait without guile Of the man to whom I give my all. When he takes me in his ...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Eyes that make mine lower, A laugh that loses itself on his mouth Here is the untouched portrait Of the man to whom I belong. When he takes me in his ...
La vie en rose [English translation]
With eyes that move me like a song A smile that loses me in thought of An image with the truest shot of The man to whom I belong When he holds me in h...
La vie en rose [English translation]
His eyes look deeply in mine A smile plays upon his lips This is the the true picture of him the man I belong to. When he takes me in his arms and spe...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Some eyes that go down mine A laugh that gets lost on his mouth Here's the portrait without editing Of the man which I belong When he hold me in his a...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Take me to your heart again Let’s make a start again Forgiving and forgetting Take me to your heart again And leave behind from then Our life of long ...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Two eyes that sink deep inside mine one smile that's hiding on his lips and here's the portrait without slips of the man to whom I consign When he tak...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Eyes that gaze into mine A smile that is lost on his lips This is the unretouched portrait The man to whom I belong When he takes me in his arms He wh...
La vie en rose [English translation]
Eyes that make me lower mine, A laugh that’s lost on his lips That’s the true portrait Of the man I belong to When he takes me in his arms, He whisper...
La vie en rose [English translation]
With eyes which make mine lower, A smile which is lost on his lips, That's the unembellished portrait Of the man to whom I belong. When he takes me in...
La vie en rose [Finnish translation]
Silmät, jotka saavat katseeni painumaan Nauru, joka katoaa hänen huulilleen Siinä muuttelematon kuva miehestä jolle minä kuulun Kun hän sulkee minut s...
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