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Helloween lyrics
Find My Freedom lyrics
Why you come tonight to take my live? I know one day it's time to go Why don't you give me one more chance? I know that I can try to die another time ...
First Time lyrics
Will you first time... Will it be... I think of someone like me ? Makes me wonder,I can show you'd neverthought you'd see. You're like sunshine,I can ...
Follow The Sign lyrics
Now that you've made your choice Follow the sign Did you make your choice? You're the Keeper of the seven key Our only hope's your victory So follow t...
Forever & One lyrics
What can I do? Will I be getting through? Now that I must try to leave it all behind Did you see what you have done to me? So hard to justify Slowly i...
Forever & One [French translation]
Que puis-je faire? Est-ce que je vais m'en sortir? Maintenant que je dois essayer de tout laisser derrière moi As-tu vu ce que tu m'as fait? Si diffic...
Forever & One [Greek translation]
Τί μπορώ να κάνω; Απλά θα επιβιώνω; Τώρα που είμαι αναγκασμένος να προσπαθήσω να τα αφήσω όλα πίσω Είδες τί μου έχεις κάνει; Είναι τόσο δύσκολο να δικ...
Forever & One [Greek translation]
Τι μπορώ να κάνω; Θα τα καταφερω; Τώρα που πρέπει να προσπαθήσω να τα αφήσω όλα πίσω Είδες τι μου έκανες; Τόσο δύσκολο να δικαιολογηθείς Αργά περνάει ...
Forever & One [Italian translation]
Cosa posso fare? Riuscirò ad ottenerlo? Ora che devo cercare di lasciare tutto alle spalle Hai visto quello che hai fatto a me? Così difficile da gius...
Forever & One [Portuguese translation]
O que que eu vou fazer? Será que eu consigo passar por isso? Agora eu tenho que tentar deixar tudo isso pra trás Tá vendo o que você fez comigo? Difíc...
Forever & One [Romanian translation]
Ce pot sa fac? Voi reusi sa-nving? Acum ca o sa-ncerc Sa las in urma tot Ai vazut Oare ce mi-ai facut? Prea greu de explicat, Va trece-ncet, o stiu Me...
Forever & One [Romanian translation]
Ce pot să fac? O să răzbat? Acum că trebuie să-ncerc să las totul în urmă, Ai văzut ce mi-ai făcut? Atât de greu de justificat, Încet, trece. Pe vecie...
Forever & One [Serbian translation]
Šta mogu da učinim? Da li ću se izvući? Sad kad moram da pokušam da sve ostavim iza Da li si videla šta si mi uradila? Tako teško da opravdam Polako p...
Forever & One [Spanish translation]
¿Qué puedo hacer? ¿Iré saliendo adelante? Ahora que debo intentar dejarlo todo atrás ¿Has visto lo que me has hecho? Tan difícil de justificar Lentame...
Forever & One [Turkish translation]
Ne yapabilirim ki? Bunu atlatabilecek miyim? Şimdi her şeyi geride bırakmaya çalışmalıyım Bana ne yaptığını gördün mü? Hak vermesi çok zor Yavaş yavaş...
Forever & One [Turkish translation]
Ne yapabilirim?Atlatacak mıyım? Şimdi hepsini geride bırakmaya çalışmalıyım Gördün mü bana ne yaptığını? Çok zor hak vermesi Yavaşça geçip gidiyor Ebe...
Forever & One [Turkish translation]
Ne yapabilirim? Başaracak mıyım? Şimdi hepsini arkamda bırakmaya çalışmalıyım, Bana ne yaptığını gördün mü? Aklanmak çok zor, Yavaşça geçip gidiyor. H...
Free World lyrics
No more excuses, no more regrets Living my life as good as it gets No more dictators, no thought control No asshole calls you a fool The world's growi...
Future world lyrics
If you're out there all alone And you don't know where to go to Come and take a trip with me to Future World And if you're running through your life A...
Future world [French translation]
Si tu es dehors tout seul Et que tu ne sais pas où aller Viens et fais un voyage avec moi au Monde Futur Et si tu cours à travers ta vie Et que tu ne ...
Future world [Portuguese translation]
Se você está enfrentando tudo sozinha E não sabe pra onde ir Vem aqui e viaje comigo para um mundo melhor Se você tem a impressão de que está andando ...
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