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George Harrison lyrics
Love Comes To Everyone lyrics
Go do it, got to go through that door There's no easy way out at all Still it only takes time 'Til love comes to everyone For you who it always seems ...
Love Comes To Everyone [Greek translation]
Κάντο,πέρνα απο την πόρτα δεν υπάρχει εύκολη διέξοδος σε όλα ακόμα χρειάζεται μόνο χρόνο μέχρι η αγάπη να έρθει σε όλους Για εσένα που όλα σου φαίνοντ...
Love Comes To Everyone [Romanian translation]
Trebuie s-o fac, să trec prin acea uşă nu-i o scăpare uşoară Încă e nevoie de timp până când dragostea ajunge la fiecare Pentru voi, cei ce par mereu ...
All Things Must Pass lyrics
Sunrise doesn't last all morning A cloudburst doesn't last all day Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning It's not always going to be th...
All Things Must Pass [Croatian translation]
Sunrise doesn't last all morning A cloudburst doesn't last all day Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning It's not always going to be th...
All Things Must Pass [Dutch translation]
Sunrise doesn't last all morning A cloudburst doesn't last all day Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning It's not always going to be th...
All Things Must Pass [German translation]
Sunrise doesn't last all morning A cloudburst doesn't last all day Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning It's not always going to be th...
All Things Must Pass [Greek translation]
Sunrise doesn't last all morning A cloudburst doesn't last all day Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning It's not always going to be th...
All Things Must Pass [Romanian translation]
Sunrise doesn't last all morning A cloudburst doesn't last all day Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning It's not always going to be th...
All Those Years Ago lyrics
I'm shouting all about love While they treated you like a dog When you were the one who had made it so clear All those years ago. I'm talking all abou...
All Those Years Ago [Croatian translation]
Izvikujem sve o ljubavi Dok su tebe tretirali kao psa A ti si bio onaj koji je to učinio Tako jasnim Prije toliko godina Pričam sve o tome kako davati...
All Those Years Ago [Romanian translation]
Strig totul despre iubire în timp ce ei te tratau ca pe-aun câine când tu erai cel care a spus-o atât de clar acum nişte ani... Spun totul despre cum ...
All Those Years Ago [Serbian translation]
Ja vičem na sav glas sve o ljubavi Dok su se prema tebi odnosili kao prema psu Kad si ti bio onaj koji je to razjasnio Pre toliko godina. Pričam sve o...
All Those Years Ago [Spanish translation]
Yo grito del amor Mientras te trataban como a un perro Cuando tú eras a quien lo aclaraba tan mucho Hace todos aquellos años Hablo de la forma de dar ...
All Those Years Ago [Swedish translation]
Jag ropar om kärleken Medan de behandlade dig som en hund När du var den enda som hade gjort det tydligt Alla dessa år sedan Jag pratar om hur man ger...
Any Road lyrics
Oh, I've been traveling on a boat and a plane In a car, on a bike, with a bus and a train Traveling there and traveling here Everywhere in every gear ...
Any Road [Croatian translation]
Oh, putovao sam i brodom i avionom U autu, na biciklu, busom i vlakom Putovao tamo i putovao ovamo Svugdje u svakoj brzini Ali, oh Bože, platimo cijen...
Any Road [Romanian translation]
Ei bine, am călătorit într-o barcă şi-un avion într-o maşină, pe-o bicicletă, cu un autobuz şi un tren am călătorit pe-acolo şi am călătorit pe-aici p...
Apple Scruffs lyrics
Now I've watched you sitting there Seen the passers-by all stare Like you have no place to go But there's so much they don't know about Apple Scruffs ...
Apple Scruffs [Romanian translation]
Te-am văzut stând acolo am văzut trecătorii privind ca şi cum n-ai avea unde te duce dar ei nu ştiu mare lucru despre Apple Scruffs Ai stat ani buni m...
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