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Jim Brickman lyrics
Change of Heart lyrics
I feel that I'm at a crossroad I don't know which way to go You say that I am changing Into someone that you don't know Who I am and who I'll be Is lo...
Change of Heart [Greek translation]
Νιώθω πως είμαι σε ένα σταυροδρόμι Δεν ξέρω ποιον δρόμο να πάρω Λες ότι μεταμορφώνομαι σε κάποια που δε γνωρίζεις Το ποια είμαι και ποια θα γίνω είναι...
My Heart Belongs To You lyrics
Look at me now I thought I was near the end Then you came along When I needed a friend And you made me love again (Chorus) Somehow you found me Wrappe...
My Heart Belongs To You [Spanish translation]
Mirame ahora Pensé que estaba cerca del final Entonces viniste Cuando necesitaba un amigo Y me hiciste amar de nuevo (Coro) De alguna manera me encont...
My Heart Belongs To You [Turkish translation]
Bana şimdi bir bak Sandım ki sona yaklaştım Sonra sen geldin Bir dosta ihtiyacım olduğunda Ve tekrar sevmemi sağladın Her nasılsa beni buldun Aşkın il...
My Love Is Here lyrics
Words, nothing but words for me to show how much my love for you unfolds. Through trouble and fears this love feels so real, and I need you to know. E...
My Love Is Here [Hungarian translation]
Szavak, csak szavak kellenek nekem, hogy megmutassák mennyire terjed ki a szerelmem irántad. Ez a szerelem bajon és félelmeken keresztül is valósnak é...
My Love Is Here [Romanian translation]
Cuvintele, sunt doar cuvinte pentru mine, am să-ți arăt cât de multă e dragostea mea pentru tine. Prin necazuri și temeri această dragoste pare atât d...
The Gift lyrics
Winter snow is falling down Children laughing all around Lights are turning on Like a fairy tale come true Sittin' by the fire we made You're the answ...
The Gift [Hungarian translation]
Téli hó hullik le Körülötte gyerekek nevetnek Fények felkapcsolva Mintha egy tündérmese vált volna valóra A tűz mellett ülve, mit mi gyújtottunk Te va...
The Gift [Romanian translation]
Iarna ninge, Copiii râd împrejur, Luminile s-au aprins... Ca într-o lume de basm devind totul realitate. Aşeza-ţi în jurul focului TU ești răspunsul r...
The Love I Found in You lyrics
You are the air I need to breathe the river of life inside of me you are the half that made me whole you are the anchor of my soul and you are strong ...
The Love I Found in You [French translation]
Tu es l'air que j'ai besoin de respirer, Le courant de vie qui est en moi, Tu es ma moitié qui me donne ma plénitude, Tu es l'ancre qui stabilise mon ...
The Love I Found in You [Hungarian translation]
Te vagy a levegő, amit be kell lélegeznem Te vagy az élet folyója bennem. Te vagy az a fél, ami egésszé tesz engem, Te vagy a lelkem horgonya bennem. ...
The Love I Found in You [Italian translation]
Tu sei l'aria che ho bisogno di respirare il fiume della vita dentro di me tu sei la metà che mi rende intero tu sei l'ancora della mia anima e tu sei...
The Love I Found in You [Romanian translation]
Eşti aerul de care am nevoie pentru a respira, Râul vieţii dinlăuntrul meu, Eşti a doua jumătate ce m-a făcut un tot întreg, Eşti ancora sufletului me...
The Love I Found in You [Spanish translation]
Eres el aire que necesito para respirar, el río de la vida dentro de mí, eres la mitad que me completa, eres el ancla de mi alma. Y eres fuerte mientr...
You lyrics
You I never felt alone I was happy on my own And who would ever know There was something missing I guess, I didn't see the possibility It was waiting ...
You [Hungarian translation]
Te Soha nem éreztem magam egyedül Boldog voltam egymagam is És ki gondolta volna Hogy valami mégis hiányzott. Azt hiszem, nem láttam a lehetőséget Ped...
You [Turkish translation]
Sen Hiç yalnız hissetmedim Kendi başıma mutlu oldum Ve kim bilir Bir şey eksikti Sanırım bu olasılığı görmedim Her zaman bekliyordu Ama aklımdan asla ...
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