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The Civil Wars lyrics
Poison & Wine [Romanian translation]
Știi doar ce vreau eu să știi Știu tot ce nu vrei să știu Oh, gura ta este otravă, gura ta este vin Oh, crezi că visele tale sunt la fel ca ale mele O...
Poison & Wine [Serbian translation]
Ti jedino znaš ono što želim od tebe Ja znam sve što ne želiš od mene Oh, tvoje usne su otrov, tvoje usne su vino Oh, misliš da su tvoji snovi isti ka...
Poison & Wine [Spanish translation]
Tú sólo sabes lo que yo quiero que sepas, yo sé todo lo que tú no quieres que sepa, oh, tu boca es veneno, tu boca es vino, oh, crees que tus sueños s...
Poison & Wine [Turkish translation]
Sadece bilmeni istediklerimi biliyorsun Senin bilmemi istemediğin her şeyi biliyorum Ah, senin ağzın zehir, senin ağzın şarap Ah, hayallerinin benimki...
Pressing Flowers lyrics
Meet me in the garden where the weeds grow tall Down by the gate I got a secret that I might tell It'll give me away Ooo whatever you do Ooo keep it w...
Pressing Flowers [Italian translation]
Incontrami nel giardino dove le erbacce crescono alte vicino al cancello, ho un segreto da rivelare, mi metterà a nudo... Oh, qualsiasi cosa fai, Oh, ...
Pressing Flowers [Spanish translation]
Ven a mi encuentro en el jardín donde las hierbas crecen altas, allá cerca de la entrada. Tengo un secreto que, puedo decir, me delatará. Oooh, lo que...
Sacred Heart lyrics
Quand je marche dans la rue La rue vers le Sacré-Cœur Je me souviens des promesses Au nom de l’amour Je vais t’attendre là Viendras-tu pour moi? Je va...
Sacred Heart [English translation]
When I walk on the street The street towards the Sacred Heart I remember promises In the name of love I am going to wait for you there Will you come f...
Sacred Heart [Greek translation]
Όταν περπατώ στο δρόμο στο δρόμο πως την Ιερή-Καρδιά Θυμάμαι τις υποσχέσεις στο όνομα της αγάπης θα σε περιμένω εκεί θα έρθεις για μένα? θα σε περιμέν...
Sacred Heart [Italian translation]
Quando cammino nella strada, la strada che porta al Sacro Cuore, ricordo le promesse fatte in nome dell'amore... Ti aspetterò lì, verrai? Ti aspetterò...
Sacred Heart [Spanish translation]
Cuando camino por la calle la calle del sagrado corazón, me recuerdo de las promesas en nombre del amor. Te esperare allí ¿vendrás tú por mi? te esper...
Sacred Heart [Turkish translation]
Sokakta yürüdüğümde Kutsal Kalp sokağında Yeminleri hatırlıyorum Adına aşk denen Seni burada bekleyeceğim Benim için gelecek misin? Seni burada bekley...
Same Old Same Old lyrics
I wanna leave you I wanna lose us I wanna give up But I won’t I wanna miss this I want a heartache I wanna run away But I won’t ‘Cause do I love you O...
Same Old Same Old [Chinese translation]
我想离开你 我想失去爱情 我想放弃 但我不会 我想错过这些 我想感到心痛 我想逃离 但我不会 我爱你吗? 哦,是的 我也会一直爱着你,直到我离去 但你若认为我会停滞不前 一如既往 我并不会 我不会 我会砸碎东西 我会越过红线 让你清醒 因为你不愿意 我会指名道姓 我会呼喊我们 我会说出来 如果你不说...
Same Old Same Old [French translation]
Je veux te quitter Je veux nous perdre Je veux renoncer Mais je ne le ferai pas Je veux que cela me manque Je veux un chagrin d'amour Je veux m'enfuir...
Same Old Same Old [Italian translation]
Voglio lasciarti, voglio allontanarci, voglio arrendermi, ma non lo farò... Voglio rinunciarci, voglio struggermi, voglio correre via, ma non lo farò....
Same Old Same Old [Turkish translation]
Seni terk etmek istiyorum Bizi kaybetmek istiyorum Vazgeçmek istiyorum Ama yapmayacağım Bunu özlemek istiyorum Bir kalp ağrısı istiyorum Kaçmak istiyo...
Sour Times lyrics
To pretend no one can find The fallacies of morning rose Forbidden fruit, hidden eyes Courtesies that I despise in me Take a ride, take a shot now 'Ca...
Sour Times [Greek translation]
Προσποιούμαι ότι κανένας δεν μπορεί να βρει Τις πλάνες του πρωινού τριαντάφυλλου Απαγορευμένο φρούτο, κρυμμένα μάτια Πράγματα που απεχθάνομαι σε μένα ...
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