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Status Quo lyrics
Most of the time [Romanian translation]
Păşind singur, o stradă fără telefon aş putea fi mai tânăr mai tot timpul? Să o fac de necaz, durează aşa mult Ar trebui să fac toate la timpul meu? A...
Old time rock and roll lyrics
Just take those old records off the shelf I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself Today's music ain't got the same soul I like that old time rock 'n' rol...
Old time rock and roll [Romanian translation]
Doar dă jos vechile discuri din raft, aş sta şi le-aş asculta singur Muzica de azi nu mai are acelaşi suflu, îmi place acel vechi rock'n'roll Nu încer...
On The Road Again lyrics
Well, I'm so tired of crying, But I'm out on the road again I'm on the road again. Well, I'm so tired of crying, But I'm out on the road again I'm on ...
Pictures Of Matchstick Men lyrics
When I look up to the sky I see your eyes a funny kind of yellow I rush home to bed, I soak my head I see your face underneath my pillow I wake next m...
Pictures Of Matchstick Men [German translation]
Wenn ich hinauf in den Himmel schau Dann sehe ich deine Augen, in einem komischen Gelbton Ich eile heim ins Bett, ich packe mich weg Ich sehe dein Ges...
Rain lyrics
How can I see what I'm needing for How can I give what I gave before How can you tell me that you want me to stay How can I stay when I'm trying to sa...
Roadhouse Blues lyrics
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel Yeah, we're going to the roadhouse We're g...
Rock'n'roll lyrics
Never thought I'd have a worry for me to be alone Playing near or far too many times should have known It can lose you all sleep at night Twelve bar b...
Rock'n'roll [Romanian translation]
Niciodată nu m-am gândit că mă voi teme că voi fi singur cântând aproape sau departe de atâtea ori, ar fi trebuit să ştiu Îţi poate pierde tot somnul ...
Roll Over Lay Down lyrics
When I got home that night early one morning Seeing the note written in ink pinned to the door Taking a drink cool from the fridge from the table I dr...
Roll Over Lay Down [Dutch translation]
Wanneer ik die nacht vroeg thuiskom Zie ik de notitie geschreven in inkt, vastgemaakt aan de deur Neem ik een koel drankje uit de koelkast op tafel Ik...
Rollin' Home lyrics
I left my home one day For the sake of better pay In a forreign land 12 centuries back in time Where the sun keeps burning down On the hole drilled in...
Rollin' Home [Romanian translation]
Am plecat o dată de-acasă de dragul unor bani mai buni într-o ţară străină cu 12 secole în urmă unde soarele arde tare pe o groapă forată-n pământ şi ...
Softer Ride lyrics
I ain't gonna work I ain't gonna work no more Stay in bed Til' I'm satisfied And let my head Take a softer ride I ain't gonna work I ain't gonna work ...
Solid Gold lyrics
Take a ride to somewhere with me Anywhere that you want it could be Sit on back and take it all in I know where you're going I know where you've been ...
Technicolor Dreams lyrics
I see your face at the dawn of the day, gold as the sun begins to shine I see your face now at the end of the day, purple shadows dancing in your eyes...
Technicolor Dreams [Romanian translation]
Îți văd fața în zorii zilei, aurie când soarele începe să strălucească Îți văd fața acum la sfârșitul zilei, umbrele violete dansând în ochii tăi Vise...
The Oriental lyrics
Her name was Mia From North Korea I said come over Bring your Land Rover I don't like sushi She said that suits me I take a shower On every hour Oh th...
The Wanderer lyrics
I'm the type of guy who never settles down Where pretty girls are, you'll know that I'm around I kiss 'em and I love 'em 'cause to me they're all the ...
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