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Status Quo lyrics
Down Down lyrics
Get down, deeper and down Down down, deeper and down Down down, deeper and down Get down, deeper and down I want all the world to see To see you're la...
Down Down [German translation]
[Ich] Komm auf den Hund und immer noch tiefer Nieder, nieder, tiefer und nieder Nieder, nieder, tiefer und nieder [Ich] Komm auf den Hund und immer no...
Down the Dustpipe lyrics
Heading down the back turnpike, Signposts are pointing west Fell into the lonely dustpipe, Hope my pick-up can stand the test But I'm doing all right ...
Down the Dustpipe [German translation]
Ich fahre den hinteren Wendepunkt runter, Die Wegweiser zeigen nach Westen Bin auf die einsame Staubpiste abgebogen 1 Ich hoffe mein Pick-up übersteht...
Gentleman Joe’s Sidewalk Café lyrics
Hey Joe Would you please lend me your ear? I've got to know if everything's all right Hey Joe, have you seen my baby here? Oh we used to share a table...
Gentleman Joe’s Sidewalk Café [Spanish translation]
Hey Joe Would you please lend me your ear? I've got to know if everything's all right Hey Joe, have you seen my baby here? Oh we used to share a table...
Gerdundula lyrics
Love it seems I just can't find Love it seems I just can't find Seems that I'm the one love The one love left behind I've searched it just won't come ...
Gerdundula [German translation]
Liebe kann ich scheinbar nicht finden Liebe kann ich scheinbar nicht finden Scheinbar bin ich der, den die Liebe Den die Liebe zurückgelassen hat Ich ...
Gerdundula [Turkish translation]
Görünüşe bakılırsa bulamıyorum aşkı Görünüşe bakılırsa bulamıyorum aşkı Anlaşılan tek aşk benim Geride bırakılan bir aşk Aradım bir türlü karşıma çıkm...
Get Out And Walk lyrics
I got Fat knees From crawling so fast I got Sore lips From kissin' your arse I know I don't want anymore part of you I got Brain pain You make me so m...
Get Out And Walk [German translation]
I got Fat knees From crawling so fast I got Sore lips From kissin' your arse I know I don't want anymore part of you I got Brain pain You make me so m...
Green Tambourine lyrics
Drop your silver in my tambourine Help a poor man fill a little dream Give me pennies, I'll take anything Now listen while I play my green tambourine ...
Green Tambourine [German translation]
Wirf dein Hartgeld in mein Tamburin Hilf einem armen Mann sich einen kleinen Traum zu erfüllen Gib mir Pfennige, ich nehme alles Jetzt hör zu, wie ich...
I didn't mean it lyrics
When you say those words, those three little words You're in at the deep end Give up the night times, give up the high times Give up the weekend Give ...
I didn't mean it [Romanian translation]
Când spui acele cuvinte, acele trei cuvinte eşti în adânc Renunţă la timpul nopţii, renunţă la timpurile bune renunţă la weekend Renunţă la şansa de a...
Ice in the Sun lyrics
I'm not a little boy, I've lived alone and love so many more But when she touches me I'm on the way, I'm underneath the floor Like ice in the sun I me...
Ice in the Sun [German translation]
Ich bin kein kleiner Junge, Hab schon allein gelebt und so viele andere geliebt. Aber wenn sie mich berührt, Dann bin ich auf dem Weg Am Boden zu zerf...
Ice in the Sun [Romanian translation]
Nu sunt un băieţel, am trăit singur şi am iubit de-atâtea ori dar când mă atinge ea, mă tot duc până sub podea. Ca gheaţa în soare eu mă topesc. De fi...
In the Army Now lyrics
A vacation in a foreign land Uncle Sam does the best he can You're in the army now Oh, oh you're in the army - now Now you remember what the draft man...
In the Army Now [Albanian translation]
Për pushime në një vend të huaj Xha Sami përpiqet për të mirën tuaj Ju jeni në ushtri tani Oh, oh, ju jeni në ushtri- tani A ju kujtohet çfarë tha she...
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