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Steely Dan lyrics
Reelin' In the Years [French translation]
[1er couplet] Ton été éternel Tu peux le voir s'effacer rapidement Alors tu agrippes un morceau de quelque chose Que tu penses devoir durer Eh bien, t...
Rikki Don't Lose That Number lyrics
We hear you're leaving, that's okay I thought our little wild time had just begun I guess you kind of scared yourself, you turn and run But if you hav...
Rikki Don't Lose That Number [German translation]
Wie wir hören, willst du uns verlassen. Kein Problem. Ich hatte gedacht, unsere kleine wilde Episode hätte gerade erst begonnen. Mir scheint, du hast ...
Rikki Don't Lose That Number [Italian translation]
Abbiamo sentito che te ne vai, va bene. Pensavo che il nostro piccolo periodo selvaggio fosse appena iniziato. Immagino che ti sia spaventata, tu ti v...
Sign In Stranger lyrics
Have you heard about the boom on Mizar Five? People got to shout to stay alive. They don't even have policeman one. Doesn't matter where you been or w...
Sign In Stranger [Italian translation]
Hai sentito parlare del boom su Mizar 5? Le persone devono gridare per rimanere in vita. Non hanno nemmeno un poliziotto. Non importa dove sei stato o...
The Caves Of Altamira lyrics
I recall when I was small how I spent my days alone. The busy world was not for me so I went and found my own. I would climb the garden wall with a ca...
The Caves Of Altamira [Italian translation]
Ricordo quando ero piccolo come ho trascorso i miei giorni da solo. Il mondo affaccendato non era per me così sono andato e ho trovato il mio. Scalavo...
The Fez lyrics
I'm never gonna do it without the fez on. Oh no! Don't make me do it without the fez on. Oh no! That's what I am. Please, understand, I wanna be your ...
The Fez [Italian translation]
Non lo farò mai senza indossare il fez. O no! Non farmelo fare senza indossare il fez. O no! Quello è quel che sono. Ti prego, capiscilo, io voglio es...
The Royal Scam lyrics
And they wandered in from the city of St. John without a dime wearing coats that shined both red and green colors from their sunny island. From their ...
Your Gold Teeth II lyrics
Who are these children Who scheme and run wild Who speak with their wings And the way that they smile What are the secrets They trace in the sky And w...
Your Gold Teeth II [French translation]
Qui sont ces enfants Qui manigancent et agissent en toute liberté, Qui parlent avec leurs ailes Et la façon dont ils sourient? Quels sont les secrets ...
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