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Steely Dan lyrics
Do It Again [German translation]
Am Morgen gehst du zu erschießen Den Mann, der dir stahl das Wasser Und du schießt, bis er tot umfällt Doch man schnappt dich an der Grenze Und die Tr...
Do It Again [Italian translation]
Nel mattino vai a caccia dell'uomo che ti ha rubato l'acqua. E tu spari fino a che è morto ma ti bloccano al confine. E i piangenti stanno tutti canta...
Do It Again [Polish translation]
Rankiem zapolować idziesz Na tych co twą wodę kradli A że strzelasz, więc zabijasz Lecz tuż przy granicy cię dopadli I już płaczek słychać szlochy Gdy...
Do It Again [Turkish translation]
Sabahları silahlanmaya gidiyorsun Senin suyunu çalan adam için Ve işi bitine kadar ateş ediyorsun Ama onlar seni sınırda yakalıyorlar Ve yas tutanları...
Don't Take Me Alive lyrics
Agents of the law, luckless pedestrian, I know you're out there with rage in your eyes and your megaphones. Saying: "All is forgiven, mad dog, surrend...
Don't Take Me Alive [Italian translation]
Agenti della legge, pedoni sfortunati, so che siete là fuori con rabbia nei vostri occhi e i vostri megafoni. Dicendo: "Tutto è perdonato, cane folle,...
Everything You Did lyrics
Where did the bastard run? Is he still around? Now you gotta tell me everything you did, baby! I'm gonna get a gun, shoot the lover down! Are you gonn...
Green Earrings lyrics
Cold, daring, no flies on me. Sorry, angel, I must take what I see. Green earrings, I remember the rings of rare design. I remember the look in your e...
Haitian Divorce lyrics
Babs and Clean Willie were in love, they said, so in love the preacher's face turned red. Soon everybody knew the thing was dead. He shouts, she bites...
Haitian Divorce [Italian translation]
Babs e Willie Pulito erano innamorati, dissero, così innamorati che il prete arrossì. Presto tutti sapevano che la cosa era morta. Lui grida, lei mord...
Hey, Nineteen lyrics
Way back when in Sixty-seven I was the dandy of Gamma Chi Sweet things from Boston So young and willing Moved down to Scarsdale Where the hell am I He...
Home At Last lyrics
I know this super highway, this bright familiar sun, I guess that I'm the lucky one. Who wrote that tired sea song set on this peaceful shore? You thi...
Home At Last [Italian translation]
Conosco questa superstrada, questo luminoso, familiare sole. Immagino che io sia quello fortunato. Chi ha scritto quella stanca canzone di mare situat...
I Got The News lyrics
You, in your lark, you're a mark, you're a screamer. You know how to hustle. Daddy is a rare millionaire, I don't care. Yeah, you got the muscle. I go...
Josie lyrics
We're gonna break out the hats and hooters when Josie comes home. We're gonna rev up the motor scooters when Josie comes home to stay, we're gonna par...
Josie [Italian translation]
Tireremo fuori cappelli e trombette quando Josie torna a casa. Manderemo su di giri le motorette quando Josie torna a casa per restare, parcheggeremo ...
Kid Charlemagne lyrics
While the music played you worked by candlelight, those San Francisco nights, you were the best in town. Just by chance you crossed the diamond with t...
Kid Charlemagne [Italian translation]
Mentre la musica suonava tu lavoravi a lume di candela, quelle notti di San Francisco, eri il migliore in città. Per caso, hai incrociato il diamante ...
Peg lyrics
I've seen your picture Your name in lights above it This is your big debut It's like a dream come true So won't you smile for the camera I know they'r...
Reelin' In the Years lyrics
Your everlasting summer you can see it fading fast so you grab a piece of something that you think is gonna last. Well, you wouldn't even know a diamo...
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