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Anouk lyrics
My friend lyrics
What's the matter my friend Can you tell me why You say there's nothing on your mind Please stop telling lies As long as you're lying I can't ease you...
My friend [Serbian translation]
Šta je bilo, prijatelju Možeš li mi reći zašto Kažeš da ti ništa nije na pameti Molim te, prestani lagati Sve dok lažeš Ne mogu ti pomoći Nema smisla ...
My life lyrics
I'm gonna get out of my shell Try without anybody's help To loose this heavy load And get my life back on the road I've seen the worst when I was down...
My life [Serbian translation]
Izaći ću iz svoje ljušture Pokušati bez ičije pomoći Da otpustim ovaj teški teret I vratim svoj život na put ponovo Viđala sam najgore kada sam bila p...
My Shoes lyrics
Tomorrow's here a new day rushing by As I try hard to hold onto the light When I feel fine the day is over The saddest thing of it all I don't know wh...
New Day lyrics
We come out when the world's at rest It's all good as we lay down on the grass Me and my friends, we celebrate The time of our lives Making love under...
No Time To Waste lyrics
I've got time to think about The things you think about when You've got time to spare Wonder why we're here I wonder when or where it might go wrong I...
Nobody's Wife lyrics
I'm sorry for the times that I made you scream for the times that I killed your dreams for the times that I made your whole world rumble for the times...
Nobody's Wife [Dutch translation]
Het spijt me voor de keren dat ik het je deed uitschreeuwen Voor de keren dat ik je dromen in duigen deed storten Voor de keren dat ik je wereld op zi...
Nobody's Wife [Finnish translation]
Olen pahoillani niistä kerroista jolloin sain sinut kirkumaan niistä kerroista kun tapoin unelmasi niistä kerroista kun sain koko maailmasi järisemään...
Nobody's Wife [French translation]
Je suis désolée pour ces fois où je t'ai fait hurler, Ces fois où j'ai tué tes rêves, Ces fois où j'ai fait s'effondrer ton univers entier Pour ces fo...
Nobody's Wife [German translation]
Ich entschuldige mich für die Male, als ich dich zum Schreien gebracht habe Für die Male, als ich deine Träume zerstört habe Für die Male, als ich dei...
Nobody's Wife [Greek translation]
Λυπάμαι για τις φορές που σε έκανα να ουρλιάξεις, για τις φορές που σκότωσα τα ονειρά σου, για τις στιγμές που έκανα ολόκληρο τον κόσμο σου να καταρρε...
Nobody's Wife [Greek translation]
Συγνώμη, για τις φορές που σε έκανα να φωνάζεις για τις φορές που σκότωσα τα όνειρά σου για τις φορές που έκανα ολόκληρο τον κόσμο σου να γκρεμιστεί γ...
Nobody's Wife [Italian translation]
Mi spiace per le volte che ti ho fatto urlare per le volte ho ucciso I tuoi sogni per le volte che ho rivoltato il tuo mondo per le volte che ti ho fa...
Nobody's Wife [Romanian translation]
Îmi pare rău pentru dăţile când te-am făcut să strigi, Pentru dăţile când ţi-am omorât visele, Pentru dăţile când ţi-am darâmat complet universul. Pen...
Nobody's Wife [Serbian translation]
Izvni za onda kad sam te izluđivala Izvini za onda kada sam ti ubila snove Za onda kad sam ti ceo svet okrenula Za onda kada sam te rasplakala Za onda...
Nobody's Wife [Spanish translation]
Lamento las veces que te hice gritar Las veces que mate tus sueños Las veces que hice temblar tu mundo entero Las veces que te hice llorar Las veces q...
Not A Lovesong lyrics
This is not a love song Cause my love is blind It's just another sad song In this life of mine There is no room for a love like this Free and wild at ...
One word lyrics
I close my eyes And imagine you're here Did it all seem so hopeless Given the chance I would ask Forgive me I didn't do a thing to make you stay I did...
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