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Dino Merlin lyrics
Ne zovi me na grijeh [Turkish translation]
Bu gece nasılsın güzel Züleyha O ipek beyaz kaftanın içinde Günah dolu bir gece örtmüş üstümüzü Eski kanayan yarayı kurcalıyor Bilmiyor ki artık o esk...
Nedostajes lyrics
Tužno sam ptiče što mehkim kljunom Kljuca o kamen tražeći vodu Baš k'o i ljudi, tako i ptice Najdraže traže onda kad odu Slika, ritam, osjećaj i riječ...
Nedostajes [Albanian translation]
I merzitur jam si zogu qe me sqepin e bute Sqepon ne gurre duke kerkuar per uje Sikurse njerzit ashtu edhe zogjte Me te dashurit I kerkojne ateher kur...
Nedostajes [English translation]
i am sad birdling that with its soft beak pecks at a stone searching for water so as the people,as like the birds search for their dearest then when t...
Nedostajes [English translation]
I'm sad bird that, with soft beak is pecking at the stone seaking for water just like people birds are looking for rheir dearest ones when they leave ...
Nedostajes [English translation]
I am a sad bird, that with a soft beak, packs at a stone looking for water. Just like people, so the birds, look for the dearest ones, once they depar...
Nedostajes [English translation]
I am a sad baby bird who with a soft beak scrapes on a stone looking for water like people so do birds are looking for the most likeable when they go ...
Nedostajes [English translation]
i am sad birdling that with its soft beak pecks at a stone searching for water so as the people,as like the birds search for their dearest then when t...
Nedostajes [English translation]
I am a sad birdling, which with a soft beek pecks at rocks searching for water Just like people, birds also look for their dearest once they are gone ...
Nedostajes [English translation]
I'm a sad poult that with its soft beak pecks a stone looking for water just like birds, people also look for those they love the most, after they're ...
Nedostajes [German translation]
Ich bin ein trauriger Vogel der wassersuchend mit seinem weichen Schnabel an einem Stein pickt So wie die Menschen, suchen auch die Vögel ihre Allerli...
Nedostajes [German translation]
Ich bin ein trauriges Vöglein, mit einem weichen Schnabel Kickt an Steinen, auf der Suche nach Wasser Genau wie Menschen, so auch Vögel Blicken ihren ...
Nedostajes [German translation]
Ich bin ein trauriges Vöglein mit einem weichen Schnabel pickt an Steinen auf der Suche nach Wasser Genau wie Menschen, so auch Vögel Blicken ihren Li...
Nedostajes [Greek translation]
Εμαι λυπημένο πουλί που μεμαλακο ραμφος χτυπαει στο βραχο και ψαχνει για νερο κι οπως ο κοσμος κι οπως τα πουλια ψαχνω την/τον αγαπημενο/η οταν δεν ει...
Nedostajes [Italian translation]
Sono un uccello triste che ha un becco morbido Incatenato a una pietra mentre è alla ricerca di acqua Proprio come la gente, così gli uccelli Cercano ...
Nedostajes [Portuguese translation]
Estou triste por isso, com seu bico macio bica uma pedra à procura de água assim como as pessoas, como os pássaros procurar o seu mais querido, quando...
Nedostajes [Russian translation]
Грустно мне птице, Что мягким клювом Бьётся о камень В поисках влаги. Но, как и люди, Так же и птицы, Ищут желанных, Что потеряли. Припев: Образы, рит...
Nedostajes [Russian translation]
Грустная я птица которая мягким клювом Клюет камень ища воду Как и люди так же и птицы Самых дорогих ищут тогда когда уйдут Фотография ритм чувство и ...
Nedostajes [Spanish translation]
Tristemente soy un pajaro de suave pico Toca la piedra buscando agua Al igual que los humanos, también los pájaros Piden sus favoritos cuando se van I...
Nedostajes [Turkish translation]
ben bir üzgün kuşum yumuşak gagalı kayalıklarda sürüler su için bakınıyor kuşlar da insanlar gibi giderken öncelikle sevdiklerini ararlar hayal, rıhtı...
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