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Temposhark lyrics
Not That Big
I can't wait to come around to raise the stakes I truly love a fight that's won before it's started; so much fun I can't stay in case I read your inne...
Not That Big [French translation]
Je ne vais pas attendre jusqu'à ce que tous les paris augmentent. J'adore, mais avant que la bataille a été gagnée. vous entendant, je reste plus ici....
Not That Big [German translation]
Ich kann's kaum erwarten, wieder fit zu sein, um wieder was zu riskieren1 Ich liebe einen Kampf, den ich schon gewonnen habe, bevor er begonnen hat; d...
Not That Big [Italian translation]
Non vedo l'ora di venire là ad alzare la posta in gioco Amo davvero una battaglia che è già vinta prima ancora di cominciare; molto divertente Non pos...
Not That Big [Russian translation]
Не буду ждать, пока все ставки возрастут. Люблю, но до начала выиграна была битва. Узнав тебя, я больше не останусь тут. Хоть я не прав, другое все же...
Not That Big [Spanish translation]
No puedo esperar para venir a plantear las apuestas Me encanta una pelea que ha ganado antes de que comience; Muy divertido No puedo quedarme en caso ...
Not That Big [Ukrainian translation]
Не буду чекати, поки всі ставки зростуть. Люблю, але до початку виграна була битва. Дізнавшись тебе, я більше не залишуся тут. Хоч я не маю рації, інш...
Don't Mess With Me lyrics
How it all began, If truth be told, I had a master plan, Now I rule the world, I took 'em by surprise, Worked my way uphill, They looked into my eyes,...
Don't Mess With Me [French translation]
Comment tout a commencé, Si on veut dire la vérité J'avais un super plan Je suis maintenant le maître du monde Je les ai eus par surprise J'ai lutté p...
Don't Mess With Me [German translation]
Wie all das begonnen hat Um die Wahrheit zu sagen Ich hatte einen Meisterplan Jetzt herrsche ich über die Welt Ich überraschte sie Arbeitete mich hoch...
Don't Mess With Me [Greek translation]
Πώς ξεκίνησαν όλα Για να πω την αλήθεια Είχα ένα γενικό σχέδιο Τώρα κυριαρχώ τον κόσμο Τους άφησα έκπληκτους Πήγα προς τα πάνω Με κοίταξαν στα μάτια Κ...
Don't Mess With Me [Hungarian translation]
Hogyan kezdődött minden, Az igazat megvallva, Volt egy mesteri tervem Most én uralom a világot Megleptem őket Feltornáztam magam, A szemem néztek És l...
Don't Mess With Me [Italian translation]
Come tutto ha avuto inizio, Se devo dire la verità, Avevo un grande piano, Ora governo il mondo, Li ho colti di sorpresa, Mi sono fatto strada in sali...
Don't Mess With Me [Spanish translation]
Como todo empezó, Si la verdad fuese contada, Yo tuve un plan maestro, Y ahora gobierno el mundo, Los tomé por sorpresa, Me abrí paso, Me vieron a los...
Don't Mess With Me [Swedish translation]
Hur allt startade, om sanningen ska fram, hade jag en mästerplan, nu regerar jag världen, överaskade dom, jobbade mig uppåt, dom såg in i mina ögon, o...
Don't Mess With Me [Turkish translation]
Hepsi nasıl başladı, Eğer doğruyu söylemek gerekirse, Bir ana planım vardı, Şimdi dünyayı ben yönetiyorum, Onları gafil avladım, Tepeye yavaşça çıktım...
Irresistible lyrics
Heels like pistols got you on tiptoe Riding high with a loaded smile Makes me laugh, you are such a joker You’re sick when you joke but you’re cruel t...
Joy lyrics
I try to count the stars tonight As I look up into the sky Out of nowhere it appeared And I let go of all my fears A man just screamed a sigh of delig...
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