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Blue October lyrics
Hate Me [Swedish translation]
If you're sleeping are you dreaming If you're dreaming are you dreaming of me? I can't believe you actually picked me. ”Hi Justin, this is your mother...
Heart Go Bang lyrics
So there she stood in front of me With eyes painted bluer than the first day of the summer And the last sight of the moon As the stars fell all around...
Heart Go Bang [Italian translation]
Ed eccola là di fronte a me Con occhi dipinti di un blu tale da far impallidire il primo giorno d'estate E l'ultimo istante in cui la Luna è visibile ...
Home lyrics
I'll smile if I want to I'm not afraid, gonna flaunt it too What a glow when you're living true Yeah I'm living for the right now I had a few friends ...
Home [Greek translation]
Θα χαμογελάσω αν το θέλω Δεν φοβάμαι, θα το επιδεικνύω κιόλας Τι λάμψη όταν ζεις αληθινά Ναι Ζω για το τώρα Είχα ορισμένους φίλους να μου δείξουν πώς ...
Home [Italian translation]
Sorriderò se mi andrà di farlo Non ne sono spaventato, ne farò persino sfoggio Come ci si sente radiosi quando si vive davvero Sì Sto vivendo nel modo...
Home [Romanian translation]
O sa zambesc daca vreau Nu sunt speriat, o sa ma si mandresc cu el Ce stralucire cand traiesti cu adevarat Da Traiesc pentru momentul de acum Am avut ...
Home [Spanish translation]
Sonreiré si quiero No tengo miedo, voy a hacer alarde de ello también Que resplandor cuando estás viviendo verdad Yeah. Estoy viviendo por el momento ...
Houston Heights lyrics
I wanna light my soul on fire Sit back, watch it burn Then call my enemies over And let them take their turn Let's see whose flame burns brighter Let'...
Houston Heights [Italian translation]
I wanna light my soul on fire Sit back, watch it burn Then call my enemies over And let them take their turn Let's see whose flame burns brighter Let'...
Houston Heights [Romanian translation]
I wanna light my soul on fire Sit back, watch it burn Then call my enemies over And let them take their turn Let's see whose flame burns brighter Let'...
How To Dance In Time lyrics
The first time I felt rain The first time I felt pain You took that away The first time you opened up The first time you closed up I feel that everyda...
How To Dance In Time [Romanian translation]
Prima oara cand am simtit ploaia Prima oara cand am simtit suferinta Tu ai inlaturat toate acestea Prima oara cand te-ai deschis Prima oara cand te-ai...
I Hope You're Happy lyrics
There will be days when you're falling down There will be days when you're inside out There will be days when you fall apart Someone else will break y...
I Hope You're Happy [Greek translation]
Θα υπάρχουν μέρες που θα νιώθεις άσχημα Θα υπάρχουν μέρες που όλα θα είναι ανάποδα Θα υπάρχουν μέρες που θα καταρρέεις Κάποιος άλλος θα σου ραγίσει τη...
I Hope You're Happy [Italian translation]
Ci saranno giorni in cui cadrai Ci saranno giorni in cui ti sentirai al rovescio Ci saranno giorni in cui sarai a pezzi Qualcun altro ti spezzerà il c...
I Hope You're Happy [Romanian translation]
Vor fi zile in care vei cadea jos Vor fi zilele in care vei fi intors pe dos Vor fi zile in care te vei darama Altcineva iti va frange inima Nu te vor...
I Hope You're Happy [Spanish translation]
Habrán días en los que estarás cayendo Habrán días en los que estarás del revés Habrán días en los que te derrumbarás Alguien más te romperá el corazó...
I Hope You're Happy [Turkish translation]
Düştüğün günler olacak Tersyüz olduğun günler olacak Darmadağın olduğun günler olacak Başka biri kalbini kıracak Seni asla zapt etmeyecekler Her zaman...
I Laugh At Myself lyrics
This is the part where I laugh at myself And the world for thinking that things could actually change Just like the old me you knew once before who Al...
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