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Blue October lyrics
Black Orchid [Romanian translation]
Have you ever been so lonely? There's no one there to hold... Just pull me in or disown me, And then climb inside. My arms are open wide, Have a look ...
Bleed Out lyrics
Close my eyes Feel you sigh A desperate aching wonder Will you ever, ever let me off my knees? Wide awake Like a dream As simple as a secret being tol...
Bleed Out [Italian translation]
Chiudo gli occhi Ti sento sospirare Una domanda disperata, dolorosa Mi permetterai mai, mai di rialzarmi? Completamente sveglio Come in un sogno Sempl...
Bleed Out [Romanian translation]
Inchid ochii Te aud oftand O durere disperata care se intreaba O sa ma lasi vreodata? Perfect treaz Ca un vis La fel de simplu ca un secret spus Spus ...
Blue Does lyrics
Blue does Everything I've never seen before Blue does Everything I've never seen before She's the answer to the prayer I hadn't found She's the answer...
Blue Does [Italian translation]
Blue fa Tutto ciò che non ho mai visto prima d'ora Blue fa Tutto ciò che non ho mai visto prima d'ora Lei è la risposta alla preghiera che non avevo t...
Blue Does [Romanian translation]
Blue face Tot ce nu am mai vazut pana acum Blue face Tot ce nu am mai vazut pana acum Ea e raspunsul rugaciunii negasite Ea e raspunsul linistei Ea e ...
Blue Skies lyrics
[Chorus:] Blue skies Calling on blue skies Don't take them away, boys Don't take them away Cause I'll never stop loving my... I bend to both knees Rai...
Blue Skies [Greek translation]
Μπλέ ουρανοί Καλώ τους μπλέ ουρανούς Μην τους πάρετε μακριά, αγόρια Μην τους πάρετε μακριά Επειδή δεν θα μπορέσω ποτέ να σταματήσω να αγαπάω... Γονατί...
Blue Skies [Italian translation]
[Ritornello:] Cieli blu Mi rivolgo ai cieli blu Non portateli via, ragazzi Non portateli via Perché non smetterò mai di amare la mia... Mi metto in gi...
Blue Skies [Romanian translation]
[Refren] Ceruri albastre Chem cerurile albastre Nu le indepartati Nu le indepartati Caci nu ma voi opri din iubit... Ma aplec in genunchi Imi ridic ma...
Break Ground lyrics
Pain comes Lonely weekend Shoulder Been here before Locked up Stepped on So prominent So loud I can't belong Only by my So wide-eyed other side I can'...
Break Ground [Italian translation]
Il dolore arriva Fine settimana da solo Spalla Qui ci sono già stato Rinchiuso Calpestato Così evidente Così rumoroso Non riesco a provare un senso di...
Break Ground [Romanian translation]
Suferinta vine Weekend singuratic Umar Am mai fost aici inainte Inchis Calcat Atat de proeminent Si atat de galagios Nu pot sa apartin Numai langa Cea...
Breathe, It's Over lyrics
How did he make the Waves crash over? Care so much Is there anybody here? So I poked my head out Through the wounded stormy night Now I leave my door ...
Breathe, It's Over [French translation]
Comment a-t-il fait Pour que les vagues viennent s'écraser? S'en soucier tant, Y a-t-il quelqu'un là-dehors? Alors j'ai sorti la tête dehors, Durant c...
Breathe, It's Over [Italian translation]
Come ha fatto a fare in modo Che le onde si infrangessero? Mi importa davvero molto C'è nessuno qui? Così ho fatto spuntare fuori la mia testa Nel mez...
Calling You lyrics
There's something that I can't quite explain I'm so in love with you You'll never take that away And if I've said it a hundred times before Expect a t...
Calling You [French translation]
There's something that I can't quite explain I'm so in love with you You'll never take that away And if I've said it a hundred times before Expect a t...
Calling You [German translation]
There's something that I can't quite explain I'm so in love with you You'll never take that away And if I've said it a hundred times before Expect a t...
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