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Blue October lyrics
The Lucky One [Romanian translation]
Out of the blue came the sun You bottled it up in times of rain You carry it with you wherever you go You share it with people that have different nam...
The Money Tree lyrics
I'm standin' on an open world I've gotta try so hard for myself Not including the ones that I love I call my family It's not hard when your focus is a...
The Scar lyrics
I'd like to sneak around your house When everyone's asleep Tiptoe across the door-room mat That used to welcome me Then gently shut the door To see a ...
The Scar [Italian translation]
Vorrei aggirarmi furtivamente attorno a casa tua Quando tutti dormono Camminare in punta di piedi oltre lo zerbino Che un tempo mi dava il benvenuto P...
The Way I Used To Love You lyrics
[Chorus] Uh oh here we go Running through the out lane Boy, I nearly got away I wasted all this time Uh oh here I go Riding through the might have bee...
The Weatherman lyrics
[Verse 1] We don't touch anymore Remember, the way that we did before You can say we were just kids before we had our own Started building our home Bu...
The Worry List lyrics
"You're asking for what? Extra stuff when you're not even letting me see my daughter? Are you gonna let me see my daughter whenever I need to? Are you...
The Worry List [Romanian translation]
"Imi ceri ce? Lucruri extra cand nici macar nu ma lasi sa imi vad fiica? Ma vei lasa sa imi vad fiica de fiecare data cand am nevoie? Iarasi imi iei t...
Things We Do At Night lyrics
[Chorus:] Things we do at night We're keeping it together ‘Til the morning light When you’re nobody’s Somebody You want to be somebody’s Somebody Thin...
Things We Don't Know About lyrics
Sit upon my lap Are you ready for bed? Wait just a second Let me clear my head I've got something to talk to you about And I think it's going to be On...
Things We Don't Know About [Italian translation]
Siediti in braccio a me Sei pronta per andare a dormire? Aspetta solo un secondo Fammi schiarire le idee C'è qualcosa che ti devo dire E penso che sar...
Things We Don't Know About [Romanian translation]
Stai la mine in brate Esti gata de culcare? Stai doar o secunda Stai sa-mi golesc capul Vreau sa vorbesc cu tine despre ceva Si cred ca va fi Una din ...
This Is What I Live For lyrics
[Verse 1] It's what I live for Falling on top of my head Caught in a landslide Tumbling down again Part of me just dies Peeling me out of my skin Caug...
Time Changes Everything lyrics
Look forward to the break down Pay attention to the worst The uneducated fail rate 'Cause they said this wouldn't hurt [Chorus:] Time changes everythi...
Time Changes Everything [Romanian translation]
Asteapta cu nerabdare prabusirea Fii atent la ce e mai rau Rata de esec needucata Caci ei au zis ca asta nu va durea [Refren:] Timpul schimba tot Atat...
Ugly Side lyrics
I must have sneezed On knees I freeze I mean I just choked up Somehow I slept I dream, I mean I dreamt of nothing Able to breathe A sweet relief Now t...
Ugly Side [Romanian translation]
I must have sneezed On knees I freeze I mean I just choked up Somehow I slept I dream, I mean I dreamt of nothing Able to breathe A sweet relief Now t...
Ugly Side [Turkish translation]
I must have sneezed On knees I freeze I mean I just choked up Somehow I slept I dream, I mean I dreamt of nothing Able to breathe A sweet relief Now t...
Voice Of A Friend lyrics
Light the fire in this castle Watch it burn into a glow By the river fear of quite sincere There's a drawbridge life support There's a plank we'll hav...
Voice Of A Friend [Italian translation]
Light the fire in this castle Watch it burn into a glow By the river fear of quite sincere There's a drawbridge life support There's a plank we'll hav...
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