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Blue October lyrics
Sound Of Pulling Heaven Down [Romanian translation]
Somewhere, far away from here I saw stars, stars that I could reach (yeah) It was a midnight, a silent twilight Fell down, beyond the ocean beach (yea...
Stay With Me lyrics
The first time I got muddy I was a young boy Ten years old I got lost in the woods in the middle of the night, in the dark and rainy cold Young and da...
Sway lyrics
We sway Grabbed her by the hips and hand Then off we went Across the sanded floor She said "That's not sand, it's salt It will get worn like we did be...
Sway [French translation]
We sway Grabbed her by the hips and hand Then off we went Across the sanded floor She said "That's not sand, it's salt It will get worn like we did be...
Sway [Italian translation]
We sway Grabbed her by the hips and hand Then off we went Across the sanded floor She said "That's not sand, it's salt It will get worn like we did be...
Sway [Romanian translation]
We sway Grabbed her by the hips and hand Then off we went Across the sanded floor She said "That's not sand, it's salt It will get worn like we did be...
Sway [Russian translation]
We sway Grabbed her by the hips and hand Then off we went Across the sanded floor She said "That's not sand, it's salt It will get worn like we did be...
Sway [Swedish translation]
We sway Grabbed her by the hips and hand Then off we went Across the sanded floor She said "That's not sand, it's salt It will get worn like we did be...
The End lyrics
Here alone Standing barefoot in our lawn Worms squeezing their way through my toes Tonight that's how it goes I'm at your window kneeling quiet I thou...
The End [Romanian translation]
Aici, singur Stand descult pe peluza noastra Viermi ingramadindu-se spre degetele mele In seara asta uite asa va fi Sunt la fereastra ta, ingenunchiez...
The End [Romanian translation]
Aici singur Stan descult pe peluza noastra Furnicaturile ajung deja la picioare Asa va fi in seara asta Sunt la geamul tau si ma aplec in tacere Crede...
The Feel Again [Stay] lyrics
I see the sun go down on the river I feel the wind blow out Would've stayed to gray I feel the air around you It's kinda closing in Do you feel it fal...
The Flight: Lincoln To Minneapolis lyrics
No joke took a breath and then awoke I was standing in an airport looking like a joke Saying "Sir, can you help me?" "Ma'am could you please?" So they...
The Getting Over It Part lyrics
I tried and tried I tried so many things that wouldn't take Like stop the leak Prevent the flood, some say But nothing helped at all And you're not li...
The Getting Over It Part [Romanian translation]
Am incercat si am incercat Am incercat atatea lucruri care nu au fost acceptate De exemplu sa acopar spartura Sa previn inundatia, unii ar spune Dar n...
The Girl Who Stole My Heart lyrics
Away she goes dancing in her red and green bow, Yeah, it always stops my heart, It always stops my hear, Like reindeer she's prancing in white winter ...
The Girl Who Stole My Heart [Italian translation]
Si allontana danzando con il suo fiocco rosso e verde, Sì, mi fa sempre smettere di battere il cuore, Mi fa sempre smettere di battere il cuore, Come ...
The Girl Who Stole My Heart [Swedish translation]
Bort dansar hon i sin röda och gröna båge, Ja, det stoppar alltid mitt hjärta, Det stoppar alltid mitt hjärta, Som renar pratar hon i vit vintersnö, J...
The Honesty lyrics
Let's get it straight Let's get it straight from the top You're beginning with your usual main ingredient You're good at talking When you say it are y...
The Lucky One lyrics
Out of the blue came the sun You bottled it up in times of rain You carry it with you wherever you go You share it with people that have different nam...
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