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Monty Python lyrics
Lumberjack lyrics
BARBER: I didn't want to be a barber, anyway! I wanted to be a lumberjack! Leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British C...
Lumberjack [French translation]
(le coiffeur) De toute façon je n'ai jamais voulu être coiffeur. Ce que je voulais c'est être bûcheron ! Ah, sauter d'arbre en arbre sur les puissante...
Lumberjack [Italian translation]
[Barbiere] Comunque non volevo fare il barbiere! Volevo fare il taglialegna! Saltare di tronco in tronco, mentre vengono trasportati dalla corrente de...
Lumberjack [Polish translation]
FRYZJER: Tak w ogóle to nie chciałem być fryzjerem! Chciałem zostać drwalem! Skakać z pnia na pień, gdy spływają potężnymi rzekami Brytyjskiej Kolumbi...
Medical Love Song lyrics
Inflammation of the foreskin reminds of your smile I've had ballanital chancroids for quite a little while I gave my heart to NSU that lovely night in...
Medical Love Song [Polish translation]
Zapalenie napletka przypomina mi twój uśmiech. Miałem przez dłuższy czas wrzód weneryczny. W tę piękną czerwcową noc oddałem swoje serce nieswoistemu ...
Men Men Men lyrics
Men men men! They want it now, they want it where, they want it when? You don't want it Men men men They try it once then go to sleep just when you wa...
Men Men Men [Polish translation]
Men men men! They want it now, they want it where, they want it when? You don't want it Men men men They try it once then go to sleep just when you wa...
Money Song lyrics
Eric Idle: I've got ninety thousand pounds in my pyjamas. I've got forty thousand French francs in my fridge. I've got lots of lovely lire. Now the De...
Money Song [Polish translation]
Eric Idle: Mam dziewięćdziesiąt tysięcy Funtów schowanych w piżamach. Mam czterdzieści tysięcy Franków Francuskich ukrytych w lodówce. Mam mnóstwo koc...
Never Be Rude to an Arab lyrics
Never be rude to an Arab, An Israeli or Saudi or Jew. Never be rude to an Irishman No matter what you do. Never pull fun at a nigger, A spic or a wop ...
Never Be Rude to an Arab [Croatian translation]
Nikad nemoj biti nepristojan prema Arapinu, Izraelcu ili Saudijskom Arapinu ili Židovu. Nikad nemoj biti nepristojan prema Ircu Bez obzira na to što r...
Never Be Rude to an Arab [Polish translation]
Nigdy nie bądź niegrzeczny wobec Araba Izraelczyka, Saudyjczyka, czy Żyda. Nigdy nie bądź niegrzeczny wobec Irlandczyka, choć byś nie wiem co robił. N...
Never Be Rude to an Arab [Turkish translation]
Hiçbir zaman bir Arap'a, Bir İsrailli'ye, Suudi'ye veya Yahudi'ye kabalık etme. Hiçbir zaman bir İrlandalı'ya kabalık etme Ne yaparsan yap. Hiçbir zam...
One Foot In The Grave lyrics
They say I might as well face the truth, That I am just too long in the tooth, I've started to deteriorate, And now I'’m past my own sell-by date. Oh ...
One Foot In The Grave [Polish translation]
They say I might as well face the truth, That I am just too long in the tooth, I've started to deteriorate, And now I'’m past my own sell-by date. Oh ...
Penis song lyrics
Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Here's a little number I tossed off recently in the Caribbean. Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis? Isn't it fri...
Penis song [Czech translation]
Dobrý večer dámy a pánové. Tady je malé číslo, které jsem nedávno odhodil v Karibiku. Není to hrozně hezké mít penis? Není to hrozně dobré mít penis? ...
Penis song [Dutch translation]
Goedenavond dames en heren Hier een kort nummertje dat ik recent er even uitgooide op het caribisch gebied Is het niet vreselijk leuk om een penis te ...
Penis song [French translation]
Bonsoir, mesdames et messieurs ! Voici un numéro que j'ai récemment créé dans les Caraïbes en me branlant N'est-ce pas énormément formidable d'avoir u...
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