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Monty Python lyrics
Ho Ho Fucking Ho [French translation]
(Chorus) Ho ho fucking ho, What a crock o' shit, We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars...
Ho Ho Fucking Ho [Polish translation]
(Chorus) Ho ho fucking ho, What a crock o' shit, We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars...
I Like Chinese lyrics
The world today seems absolutley crackers, With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high. There's fools and idiots sitting on the trigger. It's depressin...
I Like Chinese [German translation]
Die heutige Welt scheint völlig verrückt Mit Atombomben, um uns alle in die Luft zu jagen Da sitzen Blödmänner und Idioten am Auslöser Es ist deprimie...
I'm so worried lyrics
I'm so worried about what's hapenin' today, in the middle east, you know. And I'm worried about the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow. ...
I'm so worried [French translation]
Ça m'inquiète vraiment, ce qui se passe en ce moment, au Moyen-Orient, vous voyez ? Et aussi ce système de récupération de bagages qu'ils ont à Heathr...
I'm so worried [Polish translation]
Niepokoi mnie to, co się teraz dzieje na Bliskim Wschodzie. Niepokoją mnie taśmociągi do wydawania bagaży na lotnisku Heathrow. Niepokoi mnie dzisiejs...
I'm The Urban Spaceman lyrics
I'm the urban spaceman, baby, I've got speed, I've got everything I need. I'm the urban spaceman, baby, I can fly, I'm a supersonic guy I don't need p...
I'm The Urban Spaceman [Polish translation]
I'm the urban spaceman, baby, I've got speed, I've got everything I need. I'm the urban spaceman, baby, I can fly, I'm a supersonic guy I don't need p...
Idiot Song lyrics
How sweet to be an Idiot, As harmless as a cloud, Too small to hide the sun, Almost poking fun At the warm but insecure, untidy crowd. How sweet to be...
Idiot Song [Polish translation]
Jak słodko jest być idiotą, tak nieszkodliwym jak chmurka, zbyt bezsilnym, by spowodować zaćmienie słońca, prawie śmiejącym się z rozentuzjazmowanego,...
Judean People's Front Song lyrics
There’'s a man we call our Leader. He’'s fine and strong and brave, And we'’ll follow him unquestioning Towards an early grave. He gives us hope of sa...
Judean People's Front Song [Polish translation]
There’'s a man we call our Leader. He’'s fine and strong and brave, And we'’ll follow him unquestioning Towards an early grave. He gives us hope of sa...
Knights Of The Round Table lyrics
We're Knights of the Round Table. We dance whene'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes With footwork impeccable. We dine well here in Camelo...
Knights Of The Round Table [French translation]
Nous sommes les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde. Nous dansons quand nous en sommes capables. Nous faisons des rondes et des scènes de refrain. Avec un mo...
Knights Of The Round Table [Italian translation]
Siamo Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda Balliamo tutte le volte che possiamo Facciamo coreografie e scene corali Con passi impeccabili Si mangia bene qui...
Knights Of The Round Table [Polish translation]
Jesteśmy Rycerzami Okrągłego Stołu. Tańczymy, jeśli tylko jesteśmy w stanie. Gramy sceny rutynowe i chóralne, a nogi pracują nam bez zarzutu. Tu w Cam...
Little List song lyrics
As some days may happen That a victim must be found I've got a little list I've got a little list Of society offenders Who might well be underground A...
Little List song [French translation]
As some days may happen That a victim must be found I've got a little list I've got a little list Of society offenders Who might well be underground A...
Little List song [Polish translation]
As some days may happen That a victim must be found I've got a little list I've got a little list Of society offenders Who might well be underground A...
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