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Monty Python lyrics
Every Sperm Is Sacred [Polish translation]
OJCIEC: Na świecie są Żydzi, są buddyści, są Hindusi i Mormoni, są także ci, którzy podążają śladami Mahometa, ale ja nigdy nie byłem żadnym z nich. J...
Every Sperm Is Sacred [Spanish translation]
PAPÁ: Hay judíos en el mundo. Hay budistas. Hay hindúes y mormones, y luego Están los que siguen a Mahoma, pero Nunca he sido uno de ellos. Soy católi...
FCC Song lyrics
Here's a little number I wrote the other day while out duck hunting with a judge, QUACK Fuck you very much the FCC Fuck you very much for fining me Fi...
FCC Song [Polish translation]
Here's a little number I wrote the other day while out duck hunting with a judge, QUACK Fuck you very much the FCC Fuck you very much for fining me Fi...
Finland [has it all] lyrics
Finland, Finland, Finland, The country where I want to be, Pony trekking or camping Or just watching TV. Finland, Finland, Finland, It's the country f...
Finland [has it all] [Polish translation]
Finlandia, Finlandia, Finlandia, to kraj, w którym pragnę być, jeździć konno lub biwakować, albo po prostu oglądać telewizję. Finlandia, Finlandia, Fi...
Galaxy DNA Song lyrics
Just remember you’re a tiny little person on a planet In a universe expanding and immense That life began evolving and dissolving and resolving In the...
Galaxy DNA Song [Polish translation]
Just remember you’re a tiny little person on a planet In a universe expanding and immense That life began evolving and dissolving and resolving In the...
Galaxy DNA Song [Tongan translation]
Just remember you’re a tiny little person on a planet In a universe expanding and immense That life began evolving and dissolving and resolving In the...
Galaxy Song lyrics
Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour, That's orbiting at nineteen miles a second...
Galaxy Song [French translation]
Souvenez-vous que vous êtes sur une planète qui évolue Et tourne sur elle-même à 900 miles par heure Et à 19 miles par seconde, selon les estimations,...
Galaxy Song [Hebrew translation]
כשהחיים מבאסים, גברת הדסים ושום דבר כבר לא מצחיק והאנשים טפשים, מעצבנים וסתומים וברור שספגת כבר מספי-י-י-י-י-ק תזכרי שאת עומדת על כוכב שמתפתח וסובב בא...
Galaxy Song [Italian translation]
Basta che ti ricordi che sei su un pianeta che si sta evolvendo 1 E girando a novecento miglia all'ora Orbita a diciannove miglia al secondo, così si ...
Galaxy Song [Polish translation]
Zawsze gdy życie pani dopieka, pani Brown, wszystko wydaje się trudne i ciężkie, a ludzie są głupi, ohydni lub zwariowani i czuje pani, że ma pani już...
Galaxy Song [Serbian translation]
Кад год вас живот разочара, Мрс.Браун И ствари изгледају напорно или тешко А људи су глупи, одвратни или луди И ви осећате да је свега доста Само запа...
Galaxy Song [Spanish translation]
Sólo recuerda que estás parado en un planeta que está evolucionando Y girando a 900 millas por hora, Que orbita a diecinueve millas por segundo, según...
Galaxy Song [Tongan translation]
Manatu'i, 'oku tu'u koe 'i ha palanite 'oku tupu Pea vilovilo ia 'i he vave 'a e maile nima ngeau ki he houa, 'Oku 'opeti'i 'i he maile hongofulu maa ...
Henry Kissinger lyrics
Henry Kissinger, how I'm missing yer you're the Doctor of my dreams with your crinkly hair and your glassy stare and your Machiavellian schemes I know...
Henry Kissinger [Polish translation]
Henry Kissinger, jak mi ciebie brakuje. Jesteś mym wyśnionym Doktorem, z twymi pokręconymi włosami, z twym szklistym spojrzeniem i twymi makiaweliczny...
Ho Ho Fucking Ho lyrics
(Chorus) Ho ho fucking ho, What a crock o' shit, We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars...
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