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Haggard lyrics
Incapsuled lyrics
Victim of a tragic accident To survive she really had no chance And they thought, that all in her had died But ONE part was still alive... So they cou...
Incapsuled [Spanish translation]
Víctima de un trágico accidente No tenía oportunidad de sobrevivir Y ellos pensaron que todo en ella había muerto Pero una parte todavía estaba viva.....
La Terra Santa lyrics
So we're all the letters In a mystical tale While the hours of my kingdom Do rapidly fade Deep clouds bear thunder Like a dark poem's rhyme And now is...
Lost [Robin's Song] lyrics
Running away in the autumn rain Did you ever see a little child sleeping? "To be near them will my sorrow drain..." Suddenly I stopped, their bodies w...
Lost [Robin's Song] [Russian translation]
Несясь со всех ног под проливным осенним дождем, Замечал ли ты когда-нибудь маленького спящего ребенка? "Когда я рядом с ними, моя печаль проходит..."...
Lost [Robin's Song] [Spanish translation]
Huyendo bajo la lluvia de otoño ¿Alguna vez has visto un niño durmiendo? "Estar cerca de ellos drenará mis penas..." De repente, me detuve: sus cuerpo...
Lost [Robin's Song] [Turkish translation]
Kaçarken sonbahar yağmurlarından Uyuyan küçük bir çocuk gördünüz mü? " Onların ( Çocuklar ) yanında olabilsembir nebze de olsa kederim azalır ..." Ans...
Mind Mutilation lyrics
"A teardrop falls down from my eyelash The abusion has begun Say, is this the way you love me? All my might is gone... If your eyes are blind, I'll te...
Mind Mutilation [Romanian translation]
”O lacrimă cade de pe geană Abuzul a început Spune, așa mă iubești tu? Toată măreția 'mi-e dispărută... Dacă ochii tăi sunt orbi, îți spun eu Fac part...
Mind Mutilation [Spanish translation]
Una lágrima cae de mi pestaña El abuso ha comenzado Dime, ¿es ésta la manera en que me amas? Todo mi poder se va Si tus ojos son ciegos, te diré Soy d...
Of A Might Divine lyrics
Requiem aeternam et dona eis, Domine Ride, ride, over the land Sorrow comes without a warning, dear And do never start to sacrifice your faith They, t...
Of A Might Divine [Turkish translation]
Ve merhamet et onlara, ey Rab İlerle, ilerle topraklar üzerinde Keder belli etmeden gelir ey canım, Kederini de kurban etmeye kalkma Onlar, onlar, onl...
On These Endless Fields lyrics
Their horses heavy In clad and chain armor March into battle Man against man Sword against sword Hammer and axe against shield Let the banners fly hig...
On These Endless Fields [Spanish translation]
Sus caballos, pesadamente en vestidos y cota de malla, marchan a la batalla. Hombre contra hombre, espada contra espada, martillo y hacha contra escud...
On These Endless Fields [Turkish translation]
Atları ağırdı Kaplamalı ve zincir zırhlı Savaşa doğru yürüdü İnsan insana karşı Kılıç kılıca karşı Çekiç ve balta kalkana karşı Sancaklar yükselsin Öl...
Origin of a Crystal Soul lyrics
As dawn is weaving between fallen autumn leaves The poor ones gather under naked trees Asking how to survive, 'cause the winter breaks And medieval co...
Origin of a Crystal Soul [English translation]
As dawn is weaving between fallen autumn leaves The poor ones gather under naked trees Asking how to survive, 'cause the winter breaks And medieval co...
Origin of a Crystal Soul [English translation]
As dawn is weaving between fallen autumn leaves The poor ones gather under naked trees Asking how to survive, 'cause the winter breaks And medieval co...
Origin of a Crystal Soul [Romanian translation]
Când amurgul se țese printre frunze tomnatice căzute Cei săraci se adună sub copaci dezgoliți[1] Întrebându-se cum să supraviețuiască, căci iarna înce...
Origin of a Crystal Soul [Russian translation]
Лишь забрезжил рассвет средь опавшей осенней листвы, Под ветвями голых деревьев собрались нищие, Советуясь друг с другом о том, как пережить грядущую ...
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