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Cradle of Filth lyrics
Halloween II [English translation]
One Two Three Four Ancient formulas of exorcisms and excommunications That witches and those made wolves believe I maim now the demon clothed in wolfs...
Hammer Of The Witches lyrics
Breastfed red dementias Familiar with their suckled hostess Unhinge her bridle scold A quest for misadventure Wrests her glare of buckled gnosis From ...
Harlot On A Pedestal lyrics
Where does the madness end? How far down do the rungs expire In smoke and burning heat? In depravity and sin? In her shocking retinue I saw the worst ...
Haunted Shores lyrics
Herodias and I have led a phantom cavalcade Through veiled and pagan history where superstitions reigned And Christendom sought to pervert, but poets ...
Heartbreak And Seance lyrics
Before the war, this grave darksome pall Pressed upon the face of England We were suffering to nothing less Than the matter of a socialist's test to r...
Heartbreak And Seance [Russian translation]
Перед войной этот гробовой мрачный покров Наброшен был на лицо Англии Мы были верны лишь только Карте владений наших покровителей Это было дикое время...
Heaven Torn Asunder lyrics
Rise, ablaze, libidinous Devildom voyeurs Ascend to smother the light Nascent aeons confer.... Chaos is spat From the black eternal sea Serrated mount...
Heaven Torn Asunder [Greek translation]
Εγερθείτε, εσείς οι τυλιγμένοι στη φωτιά, οι φιλήδονοι Οι ηδονοβλεψίες του Βασιλείου του Διαβόλου Ανέλθετε για να πνίξετε το φως Που προσέφεραν οι εκκ...
Her Ghost In The Fog lyrics
"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart And the Midnigh...
Her Ghost In The Fog [French translation]
"La lune est suspendue tel un cruel portrait De doux vents murmurent les enchères des arbres Cette tragédie commence avec un coeur de verre brisé Et l...
Her Ghost In The Fog [Greek translation]
«Το Φεγγάρι, κρέμεται σαν ένα βάναυσο πορτραίτο Απαλοί άνεμοι ψιθυρίζουν την προσταγή των δέντρων Καθώς η τραγωδία ξεκινά με μια ραγισμένη καρδιά από ...
Her Ghost In The Fog [Turkish translation]
"Ay acımasız bir tablo gibi duruyor Yumuşak rüzgarlar ağaçların emrini fısıldıyor Bu trajedinin kırık, cam bir kalple ve rüyaların gece yarısı kabusuy...
Honey and Sulphur lyrics
Praeclarum Custodem Ovium Lupum All Saints Day, the taint of rain Blood and mud and thunder all the same To those who close their ranks to Gille's men...
How Many Tears to Nurture a Rose? lyrics
Our time together ends The sadness is over I tried my best to make amends But my heart grew cold and black I have knelt before your altar Read the mis...
Huge Onyx Wings Behind Despair lyrics
Bloated with disease A psychophantic grease that clings Like a shroud thrown over me A coat of golden fleas And by their gleam The shadows grow to be ...
Hurt And Virtue lyrics
Distant vistas Swathed in the haze Of the reddening sunset Fell to whispers 'Neath the stars that marred descending skies From the cusp of midnight mo...
I Am The Thorn lyrics
The needle in the eye of the hurricane The poison in the font The nail in the coffin of the profane I am the lot Maniacal the fire That weaves inside ...
Illicitus lyrics
Forlornucopial the wealth of misery And favoured haunts of sorrow hold no lure Deep swathes of gloom that once cocooned me in dark livery Now clothed ...
Imperium Tenebrarum lyrics
Swords in hand at the bloody fields of history We rend our blades through dogma and humility Carve the future according to our will Set worlds ablaze ...
Imperium Tenebrarum [French translation]
Épées en main sur les champs sanglants de l'Histoire Nous déchiquetons de nos lames les dogmes et l’humilité Sculptons le future à notre volonté Embra...
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