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Cradle of Filth lyrics
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [Serbian translation]
Oprosti mi oce,gresio sam Tama je ponovo stavila svoje obojene kandze u mene Njen lik se utapa kao vino Prosaptani poljupci,tako bozanstveno Bio sam b...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [Spanish translation]
Perdóname padre, he pecado la oscuridad puso sus garras esmaltadas en mí otra vez su visión se ahoga como vino servido susurrando besos tan divinos fu...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [Turkish translation]
Affet beni baba, günah işledim Karanlık boyalı pençelerini tekrar içime koydu Kızın görüşü şarap gibi akıyor(boğuluyor) Fısıldanmış öpücükler, çok kut...
Fraternally Yours, 666 lyrics
Pour submission into me No church shall bar our paths Seductive evil drink... your fill of the bleeding christ in your arms Where scorn is fed in the ...
From The Cradle To Enslave lyrics
Two thousand fattened years like maniacs Have despoiled our common grave Now what necrophagous Second Coming backs From the cradle to enslave? Sickle ...
From The Cradle To Enslave [Greek translation]
Δυο χιλιάδες παχυλά χρόνια, σαν μανιακοί, Έχουν ρημάξει τον κοινό μας τάφο Τώρα ποια νεκροφάγος Δευτέρα Παρουσία οπισθοχωρεί Από τη Γέννηση μέχρι την ...
From The Cradle To Enslave [Serbian translation]
Dve hiljade utovljenih godina kao manijaci Opljačkaše naš zajednički grob Šta sad strvožderski drugi povratak Od kolevke do ropstva? Srp sazvežđa Klin...
Frost On Her Pillow lyrics
Facedown I sprawl in the forest's cathedral Where she lies in thrall To a slippery coffin I first saw her grin in this graven lair My heart starting t...
Frost On Her Pillow [French translation]
Face contre terre, je suis affalé dans la cathédrale de la forêt, Là où, sous l'esclavage d'un Cercueil glissant, elle git J'ai d'abord vu son sourire...
Frost On Her Pillow [Serbian translation]
Licem nadole ležim opružen u šumskoj katedrali Gde ona leži,robujući Klizavom kovčegu Prvi put videh njen smešak u ovoj ugraviranoj jazbini Moje srce ...
Funeral In Carpathia lyrics
Candelabra snuffed prey - silhouette wedded Nightfall take my hand Seduce me with silky timbred limbs Grant me thy dark command Over the peaks framing...
Funeral In Carpathia [Turkish translation]
Şamdan kokulu av - siluet evlendi Gece karanlığı elimi tut Beni ipekten müzikal uzuvlarla baştan çıkar Bana karanlık emrini ver Duvar halılarını kafes...
Gabrielle lyrics
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane ...
Gabrielle [French translation]
Désespoir, serpent infect Où autrefois tu noircissait tes jardins S'enroule maintenant un autre Où par deux fois tu as drainé tout espoir en moi Et ne...
Gilded Cunt lyrics
Your misery is worn as a veil To hide bewitchment of the ugliest kind In place of eve a bitter parody hails Daggers from the swagger Of a sodomite's c...
Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder lyrics
"This is the moment I go to God" Burning like derision on the prism of night Still squirming from the sermon, those determined parasites Meant to over...
Gothic Romance [Red Roses for the Devil's Whore] lyrics
Evening minuetto in a castle by the sea A jewel more radiant than the moon Lowered Her mask to me The sublimest creature the Gods, full of fire Would ...
Gothic Romance [Red Roses for the Devil's Whore] [Greek translation]
Βραδινό μινουέτο [1] στο κάστρο δίπλα στη θάλασσα Ένα κόσμημα πιο λαμπερό από το φεγγάρι Χαμήλωσε το προσωπείο του προς εμένα. Το πιο μεγαλειώδες πλάσ...
Gothic Romance [Red Roses for the Devil's Whore] [Hungarian translation]
Esti menüett1egy tengerparti kastélyban Egy ékszer, sugárzóbb mint a hold Levette a maszkját nekem Az istenek legfenségesebb teremtménye, tűzzel teli ...
Halloween II lyrics
Eins Zwei Drei Vier Formulae ueteres exorsismorum et excommunicationum Strigas et fictos lupinam credere Metamorphoses lycanthropie Possunt inquam Dae...
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