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Cradle of Filth lyrics
Dusk And Her Embrace [Portuguese translation]
Quando sol se dava sobre estático lago Nuvens negras atraíam a si Alcatéia, e seus lúgubres e dissonantes pelos Adorando a ti e a lua “Eles te chamam ...
Dusk And Her Embrace [Serbian translation]
Kada je sunce plakalo nad jezerom bez talasa I izmaglica se prikrala sa lakocom Vukovi u coporu su njihovi jezivi disonantni odgovori U bozavanju mese...
Ebony Dressed For Sunset lyrics
Unshadow thyselves children The reign in flesh begins again... V empire Funereal majesty awake Cneajna wreathed in snake Draconis talons rake... So ha...
Ebony Dressed For Sunset [French translation]
Mes enfants, sortez de l'ombre Le règne dans la chair recommence... V Empire La royauté funèbre s’éveille Cneajna nimbée de serpent Les serres des Dra...
Ebony Dressed For Sunset [Greek translation]
Την σκιά απενδυθείτε παιδιά Η κυριαρχία επί της σαρκός και πάλι ξεκινά... Β(αμπιρική) αυτοκρατορία Πένθιμη μεγαλειότητα ξύπνα H Kνεάζνα1 στεφανώθηκε τ...
Ebony Dressed For Sunset [Spanish translation]
salgan de la sombra ustedes mismos niños el reinado en carne empieza otra vez imperio V la majestad funeral despertó Cneajna envuelta en serpiente ras...
English Fire lyrics
Seven brides serve me seven sins Seven seas writhe for me From Orient gates to R'lyeh Abydos to Thessaly And Sirens sing from stern But now I cease to...
Enshrined In Crematoria lyrics
This night is chilled by ghosts And the woods are full of werewolves My heart is pounding with the stars I feel the darkness rising I'm blessed, addre...
Existential Terror lyrics
Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus Pulvis Et Umbra Meaningless Is this all there is A flicker of life in a black foreve...
Exquisite Torments Await... lyrics
Abandon hope all ye who enter here For herein lies the path to sadness The poetry of woe set midst the sweet lament of fear Carouses in fantasia like ...
Filthy Little Secret lyrics
There hides a secret Deeply twined inside of her mind A tried and confined egret That pines to fly south To this mouth of mine Pity Too long have thes...
Filthy Little Secret [French translation]
Un secret se cache, Profondément entortillé dans son esprit Une aigrette mise à l'épreuve et captive Qui désirerait tant voler vers le sud, Vers cette...
For Those Who Died lyrics
Our tongues they could not silence with their malicious lies, Their unforgotten violence, remember those who died. And as my flesh is put to fire I he...
For Those Who Died [Serbian translation]
Naši jezici ne mogu ućutati sa svojim pakosnim Lažima, Njihovo nezaboravno nasilje, pamte oni koji su mrtvi. I od kako je moje meso bačeno u vatru još...
For Your Vulgar Delectation lyrics
Welcome with a stench of misadventure Libertine and sibling things a grim Slither forth through the gateway's hissing denture The moon, one up on the ...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] lyrics
Forgive me Father, I have sinned Darkness put her painted claws in me again Her vision drowns like service wine Whispered kisses so divine I was bless...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [Estonian translation]
Andesta, Isa, olen patustanud Pimeduses kriipisid tema võõbatud küünised jälle mu ihu Unelmad temast upuvad minus nagu vein Sosistatud suudlused nii j...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [French translation]
Pardonne-moi mon Père, j'ai péché L'obscurité a encore une fois enfoncé ses griffes peintes en moi Sa vision noyée, tel le vin d'un office religieux, ...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [Greek translation]
Συγχώρεσέ με Πατέρα, αμάρτησα Η σκοτεινιά έχωσε μέσα μου ξανά τα βαμμένα της νύχια Η εικόνα της πνίγει σαν θεία κοινωνία Ψιθύρισε φιλιά τόσο θεϊκά Ήμο...
Forgive Me Father [I Have Sinned] [Hungarian translation]
Bocsáss meg Atyám, vétkeztem A sötétség belém mélyeszti a festett karmait megint A látványa megfullaszt mint a misebor A lopott csókok olyan isteniek ...
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