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Cradle of Filth lyrics
Blackest Magick In Practice lyrics
I wish upon a star And think of all the things I should have asked Instead, I let the moment pass And now I'm bleeding On her faded photographs Tears ...
Blackest Magick In Practice [Turkish translation]
Bir dilek tutuyorum Ve olan her şeyi düşünüyorum Sormalıydım Bunun yerine anın geçmesine izin verdim Ve şimdi onun soluk fotoğraflarında çürüyorum Göz...
Born In A Burial Gown lyrics
Sibilant and macabre Walpurgis sauntered in Skies litten with five-pointed stars The work of crafts surpassing sin As She graced Her window ledge - An...
Born In A Burial Gown [Spanish translation]
Sibilante y macabro paseando por Walpurgis cielos sufriendo con estrellas de cinco puntas el trabajo de los artesanos incomparable al pecado mientras ...
Carrion lyrics
Lurking in the shade Of dark and fragrant trees Shirking from the rage That tore the heavens free A vagrant Angel His with span to see The garden swel...
Cemetery And Sundown lyrics
We rise with the sun in the underworld We suffer from a graveless name We prise wide lids And wounds with lips curled Over teeth that have tasted sham...
Coffin Fodder lyrics
The time has come To rise again Freedom lift thy sewered hem Free from beasts and skewered men My dreams unroll Ten thousand fold Their world will nev...
Corpseflower lyrics
"I have told you the truth and everything as it happened" "All the evil that I could do has been accomplished I am redeemable and I believe The clemen...
Corpseflower [Spanish translation]
Te he dicho la verdad y todo tal como ha sucedido toda la maldad que yo puedo hacer se ha conseguido soy redimible y creo las clemencias de dios y los...
Courting Baphomet lyrics
Wishing in contempt of love The righteous came to burn our forest With hissing firebrands For though we serve the gentle curves Of our serpent-girdled...
Crawling King Chaos lyrics
Ravaged are the heavens Seven angels are deployed The seals delivered To return us to the void And waiting on the cusp of many dusks of man He watches...
Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids lyrics
Hear Me now! All crimes should be treasured if they bring thee pleasure somehow... Maleficent in dusky rose Gathered satin lapped Her breasts Like blo...
Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids [French translation]
Ecoutez moi maintenant ! Tous crimes doivent être chéris qui vous apportent un quelconque plaisir Maléfique dans du rose sombre Un satin froncé lapait...
Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids [Greek translation]
“Ακούστε με τώρα! Όλα τα εγκλήματα θα εκτιμούνται αν, με κάποιο τρόπο, φέρνουν απόλαυση” Κακιασμένη, σε σκοτεινό ρόδο Σατέν με πιέτες περιέβαλε τα στή...
Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids [Portuguese translation]
Agora me escute! Todos os crimes devem ser valorizados se eles de alguma forma ti trazem prazer... Maléficiencia na rosa sombria Cetim reunido revesti...
Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids [Russian translation]
Услышь Меня! Все преступления нужно беречь, если они как-то доставляют тебе удовольствие... Малефисента в тёмно-розовом цвете Собранный атлас на Её гр...
Cthulhu Dawn lyrics
Cthulhu dawn Spatter the stars Douse their luminosity With our amniotic retch Promulgating the birth Of another Hell on Earth Shadows gather poisoned ...
Damned In Any Language [A Plague On Words] lyrics
And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not. Neither was th...
Damned In Any Language [A Plague On Words] [French translation]
Et il y eu une guerre au paradis. Michel et ses anges se sont battus contre le Dragon, et le Dragon s'est battus et ses anges, ils ne l'emportèrent pa...
Damned In Any Language [A Plague On Words] [Serbian translation]
I tamo beše rat u Raju. Mihael i njegovi anđeli boriše se protiv zmaja, i zmaj se borio i njegovi anđeli, ali ne prevladaše. Za njih više nije bilo me...
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