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Cradle of Filth lyrics
Babalon A.D. [So Glad For The Madness] lyrics
I bled on a pivotal stretch Like a clockwork Christ Bears sore stigmata, bored And as I threw Job, I drove Myself to a martyred wretch To see if I dre...
Balsamic And Anathema lyrics
"No human power can stop the will of heaven from being asserted." Worming through the mark Of Ezekiel and Mark Through the chapters of Honorius Gilles...
Bathory Aria lyrics
[I. Benighted Like Usher] Snuffed tapers sighed As Death left impressing His crest of cold tears on the Countess Benighted like ill-fated Usher The Ho...
Bathory Aria [Greek translation]
[Αδαής σαν οδηγός] Σβησμένα κεριά αναστενάζουν Καθώςο θάνατος έφυγε εντυπωσιακά Το έμβλημα των κρύων δακρύων στην Κόμισσα Αδαής σαν καταδικασμένος οδη...
Bathory Aria [Greek translation]
[I. Στο σκοτάδι σαν τον Usher] [1] Σβησμένα κεριά αναστέναξαν Καθώς ο Θάνατος έφυγε αποτυπώνοντας Το έμβλημά του από ψυχρά δάκρυα στην Κόμισσα Στο σκο...
Bathory Aria [Hungarian translation]
[I. A Sötétségtől eltelve mint Usher ] Kioltott gyertyák sóhajtottak ahogyan a Halál tovatűnt miután a hideg könnyek címeréta Grófnőre adta Tudatlan m...
Bathory Aria [Turkish translation]
[Bölüm I: Yol Gösterici Gibi Karanlıkta Kalmış] İçini çekerek burun kıvırdı Ölüm, izlerini bırakırken Kontesin üzerindeki soğuk gözyaşlarına Talihsiz ...
Beast Of Extermination lyrics
"Kill a man and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone and you are a God." [Jean Rostard (1955)] Born of the ...
Beauty Slept In Sodom lyrics
Death, spirit me away My anguished soul doth strain On taut and twisted reins Yet, insatiate I still remain Like a proud, unfalled star That dares the...
Behind The Jagged Mountains lyrics
I have come from the freezing seas From the warmth of foreign coals Through the dismal fog of insecurities To a cloud-enshrouded noble goal The world ...
Beneath The Howling Stars lyrics
Midwinter wrongs the rites of Spring Her spinal chill rakes the earth Whilst pensive souls at zero sing Woebetidings of rebirth Under cold stares of M...
Beneath The Howling Stars [French translation]
La mi-hiver enfreint les rites du Printemps Son frisson spinal ratisse la terre Pendant que de pensives âmes à zéro chantent De tristes nouvelles de r...
Beneath The Howling Stars [Greek translation]
Το Καταχείμωνο διαψεύδει τις ιεροτελεστίες της Άνοιξης Το ανατριχιαστικό του κρύο γδέρνει τη γη Καθώς στοχαστικές ψυχές στο μηδέν τραγουδούν Συμφορές ...
Bestial Lust lyrics
She is open wide She isn't hard to please She drives me fucking wild I want her on her knees She floats and insists I am hot and can't resist She suck...
Bestial Lust [Serbian translation]
Ona je širom otvorena, nije teško svideti joj se Ona me izluđuje hoću je na njenim kolenima Ona podiže i insistira da sam vruć ja ne mogu da se odupre...
Bestial Lust [Spanish translation]
Ella está abierta de par en par no es difícil de complacer me vuelve jodidamente loco, la quiero arrodillada flota e insiste, estoy caliente y no pued...
Better To Reign In Hell lyrics
Better to reign in hell Better to reign in hell Heart in hand passed clasp of pain In dark lowland that set bad blood in veins Burning, like penal fir...
Better To Reign In Hell [Italian translation]
Meglio regnare all'Inferno Meglio regnare all'Inferno Il cuore in mano supero' la morsa di dolore Nella pianura oscura che mette [in circolo] sangue c...
Beyond Eleventh Hour lyrics
"All mirrors lead to my palace My exotic pleasure temple Wherein my court is both gracious and insatiable Pure and obscene For where pumps the true he...
Black Smoke Curling from the Lips of War lyrics
Drunk off the wine of her mass fornication She sits astride turbulent seas Her poisoned cunt harbor to deep fascination Nations in thrall to the Great...
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