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Spiritual Front lyrics
Soul Gambler [Russian translation]
Learn that there is always a winner Even when we don't need any roles, Even when there's nothing to win In empty space without warmth. Through this st...
The Shining Circle lyrics
God will let me torn, torn to pieces By his faithful dogs He will raise my will to the ground My bones are mud where you will curve The severe sign of...
The Shining Circle [French translation]
Dieu me laissera me faire déchirer pas ses chiens fidèles. Il élèvera ma volonté à terre1. Mes os sont de la boue où tu graveras2 la marque sévère de ...
The Shining Circle [Russian translation]
Бог бросит меня, бросит на растерзание Своим преданным псам Он поднимет мой веру на должный уровень* Мои кости станут грязью, которой ты будешь поклон...
Vladimir central lyrics
The executioners took the icons away No more places to invoke our gods Your boys know how to smother and love No one will fall down on their knees Exc...
Vladimir central [Russian translation]
Палачи забрали иконы Больше негде взывать к нашим богам Твои ребята знают как душить и любить Больше никто не упадет на колени Кроме меня Отцы в татуи...
Vladimir central [Turkish translation]
Cellatlar ikonaları aldı götürdü Artık yakaracağımız bir tanrılarımız yok Oğullarınız boğmasını ve sevmesini nasılda biliyor Hiçbiri dizleri üstüne dü...
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