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Chvrches lyrics
Really Gone lyrics
I can never tell what you want Even with time, you'll never learn to move on I'm trying my best to lift you up, to repair But when I stop, you never s...
Recover lyrics
Carved earth, cold Hiding from you in this skin, so old I'll come clean, everywhere everyone knows it's me And if I recover, will you be my comfort Or...
Recover [Dutch translation]
Gekraste aarde, koud Ik verstop me voor jou in deze huid, zo oud Ik zal eerlijk zijn, overal weet iedereen dat ik het ben En als ik eroverheen kom, za...
Recover [Spanish translation]
Tierra tallada, fría Escondiéndome de ti en esta piel, tan vieja Me sinceraré, todo el mundo en todas partes sabe que soy yo Y si me recupero, serás m...
Recover [Swedish translation]
Urkarvad jord, kall Göms från dig i denna hud, så gammal Jag bekänner, överallt vet alla att det är jag Och om jag återhämtas, kommer du vara min trös...
Science / Visions lyrics
Breathe Don't speak It's leaving your body now Slow heart Set free A circuit of consciousness When you are truly yourself You will Succumb to a perman...
Science / Visions [German translation]
Atme Sprich nicht Jetzt verlässt es deinen Körper Langsames Herz Befreit Ein Schaltkreis aus Bewusstsein Wenn du wirklich du selbst bist, Wirst du Ein...
Screaming lyrics
[Verse 1] Am I the deer? Am I the headlights? I know that I can't slow down Everything fractures in the light And I stand by watching it burn [Pre-Cho...
Screaming [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Suis-je la biche ? Suis-je les phares ? Je sais que je ne peux pas ralentir Tout se brise dans la lumière Et je reste là à le regarder brû...
Strong Hand lyrics
Why don't you tell me what do you need? There is a blank page for you Give me the bones of what you believe Maybe they'll save you from me Will I be t...
Tether lyrics
Where'd you go? You were there by my side Keep believing it's my turn to hide In a place where we don't have a prayer There's a tether that's keeping ...
Tether [French translation]
Où es-tu parti ? Tu étais là, à mes côtés Je continue de croire que c'est à mon tour de me cacher Dans un endroit où nous n'avons pas de prière Il y a...
The Mother We Share lyrics
Never took your side, never cursed your name I keep my lips shut tight, until you go-o-oh We’ve come as far, as we’re ever gonna get Until you realize...
The Mother We Share [Chinese translation]
从不对你偏袒,从不把你诅咒 我沉默无语,直到你就此离开 我们走过了未曾企及的远方 直到你意识到,你该就此离开 看见你垂垂老矣,我欲哭无泪 我们的母亲 她教我们永不低头 尽管长路漫漫,但有你在一切变得简单 我们的母亲 让我们冰冷的心免受堕落的欲望 死寂的夜晚,只有我在这里 我会把你下葬,直到你就此离开...
The Mother We Share [French translation]
Je n'ai jamais été de ton côté, je n'ai jamais maudit ton nom Je garde les lèvres serrées, jusqu'à ce que tu partes, oh Nous sommes arrivés aussi loin...
The Mother We Share [German translation]
Ich war nie an deiner Seite, habe deinen Namen nie verflucht Ich halte meine Lippen geschlossen, bis du gehst Wir sind so weit gekommen, wie wir es je...
The Mother We Share [Spanish translation]
Nunca me puse de tu parte, nunca maldije tu nombre Mantengo mis labios sellados, hasta que te va-a-as Hemos llegado tan lejos como jamás vamos a llega...
The Mother We Share [Swedish translation]
Tog aldrig din sida, förbannade aldrig ditt namn Mina läppar är förseglade tills du gå-å-år Vi har kommit så långt, så långt vi kommer att komma Tills...
The Mother We Share [Turkish translation]
Asla tarafını tutmadım, asla ismini lanetlemedim. Dudaklarımı sıkı tutacağım, sen gidene kadar. Şimdiye kadar ne kadar yakınsak yine aynı olacağız, Se...
Under the Tide lyrics
I'm watching you run Run from the sidelines Take in a breath, fill in your lungs Keeping you alive No fear, I'll be your eyes I'll be your lifeline An...
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