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Iron Maiden lyrics
Alexander The Great [Persian translation]
پسرم,به دنبال پادشاهی دیگری باش چرا که این پادشاهی که من برای تو باقی میگذارم بسیار کوچک است "فیلیپ,فرمانروای مقدونیه-339 ق.م" در شرق زمین در قسمتی از...
Alexander The Great [Polish translation]
"Synu mój zapytaj o inne Królestwo dla siebie, bo to które ja zostawiam Jest dla ciebie za małe" (Król Filip z Macedoni - 339 B.C.) Niedaleko na wscho...
Alexander The Great [Portuguese translation]
Letra&Música por Steve Harris "Meu filho procure para si outro Reino, pois este que lhe deixo é pequeno demais para ti" (Rei Filipe da Macedônia - 339...
Alexander The Great [Russian translation]
"Сын мой, ищи себе другое царство, ибо Македония для тебя слишком мала." (Король Филипп Македонский - 339 год до н.э.) Рядом с востоком, в части древн...
Alexander The Great [Serbian translation]
Sine moj, traži sebi drugo kraljevstvo jer ovo koje za mnom ostaje premalo je za tebe. (Kralj Filip Makedonski – 339 g. pre nove ere) U blizini istoka...
Alexander The Great [Spanish translation]
Música y letra: Steve Harris "Hío mío búscate otro reino, Macedonia es demasiado grande para ti" (Rey Filipo de Macedonia - 339 B.C.) Cerca de oriente...
Alexander The Great [Spanish translation]
Letra de la música: por steve harris "Mi hijo le pido un otro Reino, porque la que yo dejo esta muy pequena para ti" (Rey philip de macedonia- 339 A.C...
Alexander The Great [Turkish translation]
"Oğlum, kendine başka bir Krallık ara, çünkü geride bıraktığım senin için çok küçük." (Makedonya Kralı Filip - M.Ö. 339) Doğuya yakın Antik Yunanistan...
Another Life lyrics
As I lay here lying on my bed, Sweet voices come into my head. Oh, what it is I wanna know, Please won' t you tell me it's got to go. There's a feelin...
Another Life [German translation]
Wie ich hier ruhend auf meinem Bett liege, werden süße Stimmen in meinen Kopf laut. Ach, was es ist, will ich wissen, sagt mir doch bitte nicht, sie m...
Another Life [Greek translation]
Καθώς ξαπλώνω στο κρεβάτι μου, Γλυκές φωνές έρχονται στο μυαλό μου, Αχ, τι είναι θέλω να ξέρω, Σε παρακαλώ πες μου αυτό πρέπει να φύγει. Υπάρχει μια α...
Another Life [Italian translation]
Mentre sono qui, sdraiato sul mio letto, Dolci voci mi arrivano alla mente. Oh, cos'è, voglio sapere, Ti prego non dirmi che deve andare. C'è una sens...
Another Life [Serbian translation]
Док лежем на свој кревет, Слатки гласови ми долазе у главу. О, шта је то, желим да знам! Молим те, зар ми нећеш рећи, само што не оде! Имам унутрашњи ...
Another Life [Spanish translation]
Mientras yazgo en mi cama, dulces voces me vienen a la cabeza, oh, ¿qué es eso?, quiero saberlo por favor, no me digas que se tiene que ir. Hay un sen...
Another Life [Turkish translation]
(Steve Harris) Burada yatağımda uzanırken, tatlı sesler kafama geliyor. Oh ne olduğunu, bilmek istiyorum, lütfen bana söylemeyeceksin. İçimde olan bir...
Back in the Village lyrics
Turn the spotlights on the people, Switch the dial and eat the worm. Take your chances, kill the engine, Drop your bombs and let it burn. White flags ...
Back in the Village [Greek translation]
Στρέψε τους προβολείς πάνω στους ανθρώπους, Άλλαξε το κουμπί και φάε το σκουλήκι. Πάρε τις ευκαιρίες, σκότωσε την μηχανή, Πέτα τις βόμβες σου και άσε ...
Back in the Village [Italian translation]
Punta i fari sulla gente Gira la manopola e ingoia il rospo Rischia, spegni il motore Sgancia le tue bombe e lascia che brucino Bandiere bianche ridot...
Be Quick or Be Dead lyrics
Covered in sinners and dripping with guilt Making you money from slime and from filth. Parading your bellies in ivory towers Investing our lives in yo...
Be Quick or Be Dead [French translation]
Couverts de pécheresses et ruisselant de culpabilité Faisant votre argent avec la boue et la saleté Paradant vos ventres dans des tours d'ivoire Inves...
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