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Foreigner lyrics
Face To Face lyrics
We never talk to one another We just disagree I'm the one who runs for cover And you turn your back on me They say nothing's gonna last forever But so...
Face To Face [Serbian translation]
Mi nikada ne razgovarama jedno sa drugim Jednostavno se ne slažemo Ja sam onaj koji pokreće I mi okrećeš leđa Kažu da ništa ne traje zauvek Ali vredno...
Feels Like The First Time lyrics
I would climb any mountain Sail across a stormy sea If that's what it takes me baby To show you how much you mean to me And I guess it's just the woma...
Feels Like The First Time [Bulgarian translation]
Бих изкачил коя да е планина, Бих преплувал бурно море, Ако това е, което ще ми помогне, скъпа, Да ти покажа колко много значиш за мен. Предполагам, ч...
Feels Like The First Time [German translation]
Ich würde jeden Berg erklimmen Übers stürmische Meer fahren Wenn es das wäre, was ich tun müsste, Baby, Um zu zeigen, wieviel du mir bedeutest Und ich...
Feels Like The First Time [Serbian translation]
Mogao bih se popeti na bilo koju planinu Ploviti uzburkanim morem Ako je to ono što mi je potrebno, dušo Da ti pokažem koliko mi značiš I pretpostavlj...
Flesh Wound lyrics
It's four o' clock in the mornin' and the daylight's creepin' in I'm lyin' awake in bed Outside my window the rain's just pourin' down And there's a p...
Flesh Wound [Serbian translation]
Četiri je ujutru i sviće Ležim budan u krevetu Napolju kiša samo lije I boli me glava Pogledao sam se u ogledalo, uzeo malo vode u ruke I umio se Ali ...
Fool For You Anyway lyrics
Well I miss you honey A little more every day And I know if I kissed you You'd be comin' back home to stay 'Cause I know I was wrong But how long do I...
Fool For You Anyway [Serbian translation]
Pa, nedostaješ mi dušo Svakog dana pomalo više I znam da ako sam te poljubio Ti ćeš se vratiti kući da ostaneš Jer znam da sam pogrešio Ali koliko dug...
Girl On The Moon lyrics
It's night, again Time for my mind to go wandering Off on a journey, through space and time In search of a face I can never find So I close my eyes an...
Girl On The Moon [German translation]
Es ist wieder Nacht Zeit für meinen Geist umherzu wandern Weit draußen, auf einer Reise durch Zeit und Raum Auf der Suche nach einem Gesicht, das ich ...
Girl On The Moon [Greek translation]
Είναι νύχτα και πάλι Ώρα να περιπλανηθεί ο νους μου Σε ένα ταξίδι, μέσα στο χώρο και στο χρόνο Προς αναζήτηση ενός προσώπου που ποτέ δεν μπορώ να βρω ...
Girl On The Moon [Serbian translation]
Noć je, ponovo Vreme je da moje misli lutaju Isključene na putovanje, kroz prostor i vreme U potrazi za licem koje nikada nisam mogao naći Pa zatvaram...
Give Me A Sign lyrics
Well, there's something inside that tells me I gotta fight or let you go I'm not taking this life, yeah If you want we can take it slow 'Cause there's...
Give Me A Sign [Serbian translation]
Pa, postoji nešto iznutra što mi govori Da se moram boriti ili te pustiti da odeš Ne uzimam ovaj život, yeah Ako želiš da usporimo Jer, postoji jedna ...
Growing Up The Hard Way lyrics
He's got nothing to say, he's got no excuse He's just made that way, and he's gonna stay that way Like a dog on the loose in a firework display in a w...
Growing Up The Hard Way [Serbian translation]
Nema ništa da kaže, on nema izgovora On jednostavno stvara taj način i mora ostati takav Kao pas na slobodi na vatrometu u njegovom svetu Ne, ne, ne, ...
Hand On My Heart lyrics
Rescue me I can't dream this dream any more, my dream oh my dream Set me free I keep holdin' on but I don't know what for All I know Is that I've brea...
Hand On My Heart [Serbian translation]
Spasi me Ne mogu više sanjati ovaj san, moj san, oh, moj san Oslobodi me Nastavljam se držati, ali Ne znam zašta Sve što znam Je to da sam uzdisao tvo...
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