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Foreigner lyrics
Cold As Ice [Bulgarian translation]
Ти си студена като лед, Искаш да жертваш нашата любов. Никога не приемаш съвет. Някой ден ще си платиш, сигурен съм. Виждал съм го и преди, Случва се ...
Cold As Ice [French translation]
Tu es froide comme la glace Tu es prête à sacrifier notre amour Tu ne suis jamais les conseils Un jour, tu en paieras le prix, je le sais J'ai déjà vu...
Cold As Ice [German translation]
Du bist so kalt wie Eis Du bist bereit, unsere Liebe zu opfern Du nimmst nie Ratschläge an Eines Tages wirst du den Preis dafür bezahlen, ich weiß... ...
Cold As Ice [Greek translation]
Είσαι τόσο κρύος όσο ο πάγος Είσαι πρόθυμος να θυσίασεις την αγάπη μας Δε παίρνεις ποτέ συμβουλές Κάποια μέρα θα πληρώσεις το τίμημα, το ξέρω Το έχω δ...
Cold As Ice [Hungarian translation]
Olyan hideg vagy mint a jég Hajlandó vagy feláldozni a szerelmünket Sosem fogadsz el tanácsot Egy nap megfizeted az árát, tudom Láttam már ezelőtt Min...
Cold As Ice [Italian translation]
Sei come fredda come il ghiaccio sei disposta a sacrificare il nostro amore. Non prendi mai consigli, un giorno pagherai il prezzo, lo so. L'ho visto ...
Cold As Ice [Persian translation]
تو سردی مثل یخ تو حاضری عشقمون رو فدا کنی هیچ‌وقت هم نصیحت گوش نمیدی می‌دونم که یه روز چوبش رو می‌خوری 1 قبلا بارها دیدم همیشه همین میشه در رو می‌بندی...
Cold As Ice [Serbian translation]
Ti si kao hladan led Spremna si da žrtvuješ našu ljubav Nikada ne prihvataš savet Jednoga dana ćeš platiti cenu, znam Video sam to pre Dešava se sve v...
Cold As Ice [Turkish translation]
Buz gibi soğuksun Aşkımızı kurban etmeye gönüllüsün Asla danışmazsın Bir gün bedelini ödeyeceksin, biliyorum Daha önce gördüm Bu her zaman olur Kapıyı...
Counting Every Minute lyrics
Gonna break these chains Gonna set myself free Gonna turn on the mains Feel the power inside of me Gonna burn all night--gonna burn all day You'll see...
Counting Every Minute [Serbian translation]
Moram pokidati ove lance Moram se osloboditi Moram uključiti u struju Da osetim svagu u sebi Moram goreti celu noć i celi dan Videćeš me kako dolazim ...
Crash And Burn lyrics
I always thought we were in control But our lives could never be what they were before There's a rhythm in our love Only you and I can feel it Outside...
Crash And Burn [Serbian translation]
I always thought we were in control But our lives could never be what they were before There's a rhythm in our love Only you and I can feel it Outside...
Dirty White Boy lyrics
Hey, baby, if you're feelin' down I know what's good for you all day Are you worried what your friends see Will it ruin your reputation lovin' me 'Cau...
Dirty White Boy [German translation]
Hey, Baby, wenn du Trübsal bläst - Ich weiß, was dir jeden Tag gut tut ... Sorgst du dich darum, was deine Freunde sehen könnten? Würde es deinen Ruf ...
Dirty White Boy [Serbian translation]
Hej, dušo, ako si tužna Znam šta je dobro za tebe svaki dan Jesi li zabrinuta zbog onoga što tvoji prijatelji vide Hoće li ti uništiti reputaciju to š...
Do What You Like lyrics
Don't tell me what you can't do Never had a hold on you And don't tell me where you'd rather be Just say the word, I'll set you free You won't believe...
Do What You Like [Serbian translation]
Nemoj mi govoriti šta ne možeš uraditi Nikada se nisam oslanjao na tebe I nemoj mi govoriti gde bi radije da budeš Samo reci reč, oslobodiću te Nećeš ...
Don't Let Go lyrics
Another long day, another long night I try to make it home before it gets light I'm working hard so some day we can play When I try to explain you jus...
Don't Let Go [Serbian translation]
Još jedan dugi dan, još jedna duga noć Trudim se da ga odnesem kući pre nego što zasvetli Radim naporno, pa jednog dana možemo svirati Kada pokušavam ...
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