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Foreigner lyrics
I Want to Know What Love Is [Polish translation]
Potrzebuje trochę czasu, trochę czasu, żeby wszystko przemyśleć. Musze czytać między wierszami, Jakbym tego potrzebował gdy będę starszy. Ah, ah, ah T...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Portuguese translation]
Eu deveria tomar um pouco de tempo Um pouco de tempo para pensar sobre as coisas Deveria ler na entrelinhas No caso de eu precisar quando for mais vel...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Romanian translation]
Îmi trebuie puţin timp, Puţin timp să mă gândesc, Aş face bine să citesc printre rânduri În caz că am nevoie când voi fi bătrân. Aaaah woah-ah-aah Mun...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Russian translation]
Мне нужно немного времени Немного времени, чтобы подумать над этим Я лучше читатю между строк На случай, если мне это понадобится, когда я стану старш...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Serbian translation]
Potrebno mi je malo vremena, malo vremena da razmislim Bolje da čitam između redova U slučaju da mi zatreba kada budem stariji Ova planina na koju se ...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Serbian translation]
Moram dati sebi malo vremena Malo vremena da razmislim o svemu Bolje bi mi bilo da čitam između redova Za slučaj da mi zatreba kad ostarim Sada se ova...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Spanish translation]
Tengo que darme algo de tiempo, algo de tiempo para recapacitar. Mejor leo entre líneas por si me hace falta cuando sea mayor. Aaaah woah-ah-aah Ahora...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Spanish translation]
Me tomaré algo de tiempo Algo de tiempo para pensar que las cosas terminaron Mejor leo entre líneas Por si lo necesito cuando este más viejo Ahora est...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Swedish translation]
Jag måste ta lite tid Lite tid att tänka på saker Jag måste läsa mellan raderna Ifall jag behöver det när jag är äldre Aaaah woah-ah-aah Nu måste jag ...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Turkish translation]
Biraz zaman ayırmam gerekiyor Düşünmek için biraz zaman ayırmam gerekiyor Altında yatan anlamı anlasam iyi olur Yaşlandığımda ihtiyacım olursa diye Şi...
I Want to Know What Love Is [Turkish translation]
Biraz zamana ihtiyac?m var Dusunmek icin az zamana.. Cizgi/sat?r aralar?n? okusam iyi olacak yasland?g?mda isime yarayabilir Simdi bu dag? t?rmanmal?y...
A Night To Remember lyrics
I can't sleep tonight I won't sleep tomorrow I'm goin deep and tight I don't need no excuse I feel mean tonight One-eyed jacks and aces Read 'em and w...
A Night To Remember [Serbian translation]
Ne mogu da zaspim večeras Neću spavati ni sutra Idem duboko i čvrsto Nije mi potreban nikakav izgovor Osećam se lošim večeras Jednooki Jack i asovi Či...
All I Need To Know lyrics
So I walk another mile down this crooked road Clouds rolling in Lord it's getting cold Feeling fine, feel lost, feeling blue tonight But my only frien...
All I Need To Know [German translation]
So gehe ich nun eine weitere Meile diese ungerade Strasse Wolken kommen auf Herr, es wird kalt Fühl mich gut, fühle mich verloren, fühle mich deprimie...
All I Need To Know [Serbian translation]
Dakle, hodam još jednu milju niz ovaj krivi put Oblaci se umotavaju, Gospod postaje gladan Osećam se dobro, izgubljeno, osećam se snuždeno večeras Ali...
Angel Tonight lyrics
When nothing goes my way And late nights turn the days I spend my life in and out of trouble And everywhere I turn, I never seem to learn Ending up my...
Angel Tonight [Serbian translation]
Kada ništa ne ide mojim putem I kasne noći se pretvore u dan Provodim svoj život i bez nevolje I svuda gde se okrenem, izgleda da nikada nisam naučio ...
As Long As I Live lyrics
I see you in my dreams You feel so close to me There's nowhere in this world That I would rather be Forever in this moment Forever in this dream 'Caus...
As Long As I Live [Serbian translation]
Vidim te u snovima Osećaš se tako blizu mene Nigde na ovom svetu Ne bih radije bio Zauvek u ovom trenutku Zauvek u ovom snu Jer, dušo, svaki sat dalek...
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