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Colbie Caillat lyrics
Stereo lyrics
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh I'm not satisfied With pretty little things That's not your time Forgive me if I need you But that's what I got used to Like s...
Tailor Made lyrics
Twenty-five, All of these mixed emotions, Tangled up in pure confusion, It’s hard to let go of the past, but it seems, Easier as time is moving, Well ...
Tell Him lyrics
et me be patient, let me be kind Make me unselfish without bein' blind Though I may suffer, I'll envy it not And endure what comes, 'cause he's all th...
The Little Things lyrics
The little things you do to me Are taking me over, I wanna show ya Everything inside of me Oh, like a nervous heart that is crazy beating My feet are ...
The Little Things [Spanish translation]
Las cosas pequeñas que me haces Comienzan a dominarme, quiero mostrarte Todo que está dentro de mí Oh, como un corazón nervioso que late locamente Mis...
Think Good Thoughts lyrics
i'm just gonna say it there's no use in delaying i'm tired of the angry hanging out inside me so i'll quiet down the devil i'm gonna knock him with a ...
Tied Down lyrics
Oh, I don't know what to say and I have told you lately That I'm tired of talking about the same odor reeks And the week change Just take it easy, don...
Try lyrics
Put your makeup on Get your nails done, grow your hair Run the extra mile Keep it slim, so they like you Do they like you? Get your sexy on Don’t be s...
Try [Chinese translation]
把妝化上 指甲油塗上,頭髮燙捲 比別人期望的付出更多 維持身材,好讓他們喜歡你 他們喜歡你嗎? 展現你的性感 女孩,不要害羞,脫下它 這就是你要的 一種歸屬,好讓他們喜歡你 他們喜歡你嗎? 你不用這麼努力地嘗試 你不用全都拋棄 你只需要站起來、站起來、站起來、站起來 你連一滴滴都不需要改變 你不用去...
Try [Croatian translation]
Stavi šminku Sredi nokte, digni kosu Dodatno se potrudi Pazi na liniju, tako da bi im se sviđala Sviđaš li im se? Budi seksi Ne srami se, curo, skini ...
Try [Czech translation]
Nalič se Nech si udělat manikúru, nech si narůst delší vlasy Uběhni o míli víc Udržuj si štíhlou linii, ať se líbíš ostatním Líbíš se jim? Začni být s...
Try [Finnish translation]
Laita meikkisi Valmistele kyntesi, kasvata hiuksesi Juokse ylimääräinen kilsa Pysy hoikkana, niin he pitävät sinusta Pitävätkö he sinusta? Päästä seks...
Try [French translation]
Maquilles-toi Fais toi les ongles, lisses tes cheveux Fais en plus, Restes mince, pour qu'ils t'aiment bien. T'aiment-ils bien ? Sois sexy, Ne sois pa...
Try [German translation]
Schmink dich Geh zur Maniküre, lass dein Haar wachsen Streng dich an Halt dich schlank, damit sie dich mögen Mögen sie dich? Zieh dein sexy Teil an Se...
Try [Greek translation]
Βάψου Φτιάξε τα νύχια σου, μάκρυνε τα μαλλιά σου Κάνε αυτό το κάτι το παραπάνω Να παραμείνεις αδύνατη για να τους αρέσεις Τους αρέσεις? Γίνε σέξι Μην ...
Try [Hungarian translation]
Sminkeld ki magad Fejezd be a körmeid, növeszd a hajad hosszúra Fuss felesleges köröket Maradj vékony, így már kedvelnek? Kedvelnek téged? Kapcsold be...
Try [Polish translation]
Nałóż swój makijaż Dokończ swoje paznokcie, zapuść swoje włosy Przebiegnij dodatkową milę Pozostań szczupła, dlatego cię lubią Czy cię lubią? Bądź sek...
Try [Portuguese translation]
Ponha sua maquiagem Faça suas unhas, deixe seu cabelo crescer Faça um esforço Deixe pequeno, para que eles gostem de você Eles gostam de você? Vista t...
Try [Romanian translation]
Machiază-te, Fă-ţi unghiile, lasă-ţi părul lung, Dă-te peste cap, Slăbeşte ca lumea să te placă, Lumea te place? Fii sexy, Nu fi timidă, fată, dă-le j...
Try [Russian translation]
Нанеси макияж, Сделай ногти, отрасти волосы Пробеги лишнюю милю Сохраняй стройность, так ты им понравишься Ты им нравишься? Выпусти свою сексульность ...
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