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Genesis lyrics
The Carpet Crawlers lyrics
There is lambswool under my naked feet The wool is soft and warm - Gives off some kind of heat A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed Imagin...
The Carpet Crawlers [German translation]
Da ist Lammwolle unter meinen nackten Füßen Die Wolle ist weich und warm - Gibt eine Art Hitze ab Ein Salamander wuselt in die Flamme um zerstört zu w...
The Carpet Crawlers [Spanish translation]
Hay lana de cordero bajo mis pies desnudos La lana es suave y cálida Despide algún tipo de calor Una salamandra se escabulle en las llamas para ser de...
The Carpet Crawlers [Turkish translation]
Çıplak ayağımın altında kuzu yünü var Yün yumuşak ve sıcak - bir tür ısı yayıyor Bir semender yok olmak için ateşe koşuyor Hayali yaratıklar selüloitt...
The Carpet Crawlers [Ukrainian translation]
Ягняча шерсть під моєю босою ногою Шерсть м’яка і тепла – Трохи гріє Саламандра пірнає у полум’я, щоб бути знищеною1 Вигадані створіння потрапили у пл...
The Chamber Of 32 Doors lyrics
At the top of the stairs, there's hundreds of people, running around to all the doors. They try to find, find themselves an audience; their deductions...
The Chamber Of 32 Doors [Ukrainian translation]
На вершині сходів сотні людей, Що підбігають до всіх дверей1 Вони прагнуть знайти собі слухачів, Їхня дедукція потребує аплодисментів Багач стоїть пер...
The Cinema Show lyrics
Home from work our Juliet Clears her morning meal. She dabs her skin with pretty smells Concealing to appeal. I will make my bed, She said, but turned...
The Cinema Show [Catalan translation]
A casa, després de la feina, la nostra Julieta Recull les deixalles de l'esmorzar. S'unta la pell amb bons aromes Que dissimulen per tal d'agradar. Va...
The Cinema Show [Galician translation]
Xa na casa, logo do traballo, a nosa Xulieta Recolle os restos do almorzo. Unta a pel con perfumes agradábeis Que atraen con engado. Vou facer a cama,...
The Cinema Show [Turkish translation]
İşten eve dönen Jülyet'imiz Sabah yemeğini temizliyor Hafifçe sürüyor hoş kokuları derisine İlgi çekmek için gizliyor "Yatağımı yapacağım" Dedi ve git...
The Colony Of Slippermen lyrics
[THE ARRIVAL] [Rael:] I wandered lonely as a cloud, Till I came upon this dirty street. I've never seen a stranger crowd; Slubberdegullions on squeaky...
The Colony Of Slippermen [Ukrainian translation]
[THE ARRIVAL] [Rael:] I wandered lonely as a cloud, Till I came upon this dirty street. I've never seen a stranger crowd; Slubberdegullions on squeaky...
The Conqueror lyrics
He climbs inside the looking glass And points at anything he hates He calls to you, "Hey look out son There's a gun they're pointing at your pretty fa...
The Conqueror [Dutch translation]
He climbs inside the looking glass And points at anything he hates He calls to you, "Hey look out son There's a gun they're pointing at your pretty fa...
The fountain of Salmacis lyrics
From a dense forest of tall dark pinewood Mount Ida rises like an island Within a hidden cave, nymphs had kept a child Hermaphroditus, son of gods So ...
The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging lyrics
"It's the last great adventure left to mankind" - screams a drooping lady Offering her dreamdolls at less than extortionate prices, And as the notes a...
The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging [Ukrainian translation]
«Це остання велика пригода, залишена людству!»1- Кричить миршава леді, Пропонуючи свої диво-ляльки за менш ніж здирницькими цінами І коли банкноти і м...
The knife lyrics
Tell me my life is about to begin Tell me that I am a hero, Promise me all of your violent dreams Light up your body with anger. Now, in this ugly wor...
The knife [Arabic translation]
قل لي إنّ حياتي ستبدأ قريبا قل لي إنّني بطل عدني بجميع أحلامك العنيفة أشعل جسدك بالغضب الآن, في هذا العالم البشع حان الوقت لإزالة كلّ هذا الشرّ الآن, ...
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