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Miss Li lyrics
Instruktionsboken [English translation]
I have looked far-and-wide, in every nook, every cranny1 I’ve run many miles, yeah, a thousand But I have not yet found it I’ve taken the train to Ber...
Komplicerad lyrics
[Vers 1] Jag vet att du vill va med mig Men du vet inte vad du ger dig in på, in på Nej, åh, jag borde kanske sagt det innan Det blir seriöst, men våg...
Komplicerad [English translation]
[Verse 1] I know that you want to be with me But you don't know what you're signing up for, up for No, oh, maybe I should tell you before It gets seri...
Komplicerad [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Se que quieres estar conmigo Pero no sabes en lo que te estás metiendo, en No, oh, tal vez debería haber dicho eso antes Se pone serio, pero...
Late Night Heartbroken Blues lyrics
One two three four five And six beers later I was wild I said baby Show me to the bed now Cus I've been sitting here since half past nine Been thinkin...
My Heart Goes Boom lyrics
I don't need no doctor treating me I don't need no pills or theraphy Freud might work for some But that just ain't for me No, I don't need no pills if...
My Heart Goes Boom [Galician translation]
E meu corazón fai bum bum bum E meu corazón fai bum bum bum Eu non preciso ningún doutor para tratarme (non, non, non) Eu non preciso ningunha píldora...
My Heart Goes Boom [Serbian translation]
Ne treba mi doktor da me leči Ne trebaju mi pilule niti terapija Freud možda pomogne nekima Ali to jednostavno nisam ja Ne, ne trebaju pilule Ako ćeš ...
My Heart Goes Boom [Spanish translation]
Y mi corazón hace bum bum bum Y mi corazón hace bum bum bum No necesito ningún doctor para tratarme (no, no, no) No necesito ninguna pastilla o terapi...
My Heart Goes Boom [Turkish translation]
Beni tedavi edecek bir doktora ihtiyacım yok. İlaçlara ya da terapiye ihtiyacım yok. Freud* bazıları için işe yarayabilir, ama bu benim için geçerli d...
Plastic Faces lyrics
Oh I'm so tired of the blogging, yeah I'm so tired of them bothering This thing called modern generation is bored of life across the login Yeah, I'm s...
Plastic Faces [Spanish translation]
Oh, estoy tan cansada de los blogs, sí, estoy tan cansada de ellos incordiando Esta cosa llamada moderna generación está aburrida de la vida por el "n...
Sorry lyrics
How can it be so hard to say I was wrong? I got something that I need to tell you That I wish I told you long ago And I get it if you're disappointed ...
Spaceship lyrics
Have you heard the news today? Just like a fix, she's floathing through his vains Have you heard the news today? Like a tumor, she spread to his brain...
Spaceship [Galician translation]
Oíches as novas de hoxe?Ao igual ca unha dose, ela está flotando polas súas veas Oíches as novas de hoxe?Como un tumor, esténdese ao seu cerebro Vivir...
Spaceship [Spanish translation]
¿Has oído las noticias hoy? Al igual que una dosis , ela está flotando por sus venas ¿Has oído las noticias hoy? Como un tumor,se extiende a su cerebr...
Sugar Coma lyrics
You're just a little bit too good for me aren't you baby That's why you can't turn around I'll keep talking but you keep saying maybe I know I recogni...
Terapi lyrics
[Vers 1] Jag har gått i terapi, jag har rannsakat mitt liv Jag har kämpat med mitt mörker för att ge dig nåt stabilt Gått igenom mitt arkiv, städat un...
Therapy lyrics
[Verse 1] I have been to therapy I've looked deep inside of me I've been digging through my childhood Tryna grow up mentally I don't like psychology Y...
Therapy [Finnish translation]
[Säe 1] Olen ollut terapiassa OIen katsonut syvälle sisääni Olen kaivellut lapsuuttani Yrittänyt kasvaa henkisesti En pidä psykologiasta Niin, siitä a...
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