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Rascal Flatts lyrics
I Feel Bad lyrics
I should be out in that driveway stopping you Tears should be rolling down my cheek And I don't know why I'm not falling apart like I usually do And h...
I Feel Bad [French translation]
Je devrais être dehors dans cette cour en train de t'arrêter Des larmes devraient couler sur mes joues Et je ne sais pas pourquoi je ne m'effondre pas...
I Like the Sound of That lyrics
I love hearing that shower turn on Bet there's nothin' but a towel on you You sing along with some Timberlake bumpin' But he ain't got nothin' on you ...
I Like the Sound of That [Serbian translation]
I love hearing that shower turn on Bet there's nothin' but a towel on you You sing along with some Timberlake bumpin' But he ain't got nothin' on you ...
İ Melt lyrics
When you light those candles Up there on that mantle, setting the mood Well, I just lie there staring Silently preparing to love on you Well, I can fe...
İ Melt [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
When you light those candles Up there on that mantle, setting the mood Well, I just lie there staring Silently preparing to love on you Well, I can fe...
İ Was Born To lyrics
Well I guess its in my genes Not in horoscopes or cosmic things These feelings run in my blood Always was and always is Comes on strong and it never q...
I Won't Let Go lyrics
It’s like a storm That cuts a path It breaks your will It feels like that You think you're lost But you're not lost On your own You're not alone I wil...
I Won't Let Go [German translation]
Es ist wie ein Sturm Der deinen Weg kreuzt Er bricht deinen Willen So fühlt es sich an Du denkt, du bist verloren Aber du bist nicht verloren Auf dich...
I Won't Let Go [Hungarian translation]
Olyan mint egy vihar Ami utat tör magának Megtöri az akaratod Olyan érzés mintha Azt hinnéd el vagy veszve De nem vesztél el Egymagadban Nem vagy egye...
I Won't Let Go [Indonesian translation]
It's like a storm That cuts a path It breaks your will It feels like that You think you're lost But you're not lost on your own you're not alone I wil...
I Won't Let Go [Polish translation]
To jest jak burza, która odcina drogę, odbiera ci wolę: tak to czujesz. Myślisz, że się zgubiłaś, ale nie zgubiłaś się. Jesteś sama, ale nie samotna. ...
I Won't Let Go [Romanian translation]
E ca o furtună Care taie un drum, Îți frânge voința, Așa se simte. Te crezi pierdută, Dar nu ești pierdută, Pe cont propriu. Nu ești singură. Voi sta ...
I Won't Let Go [Spanish translation]
Es como una tormenta que corta un camino y quiebra tus ganas se siente asì crees que estas perdido pero no lo estas, por tu propia cuenta no estas sol...
I'm Movin' On lyrics
I've dealt with my ghosts and I've faced all my demons Finally content with a past I regret I've found you find strength in your moments of weakness F...
I'm Movin' On [Dutch translation]
Ik heb met mijn geesten afgerekend en mijn demonen onder ogen gezien Uiteindelijk vrede gevonden met het verleden dat ik betreur Ik heb gezien dat je ...
I'm Movin' On [Greek translation]
Αναμετρηθηκα με τα φαντάσματα και αντιμετώπισα όλους μου τους δαίμονες. Τελικά είμαι γεμάτος με ένα παρελθόν που μετανιώνω. Ανακάλυψα ότι βρίσκεις δύν...
I'm Movin' On [Romanian translation]
am avut de-a face cu fantasmele mele si am dat fatza cu toti demonii In sfarsit impacat cu un trecut ce-l regret am aflat ca tu gasesti tarie in momen...
I'm Movin' On [Romanian translation]
Am avut de a face cu fantomele mele, mi-am înfruntat toți demonii Si în sfârșit sunt împăcat cu trecutul ce-l regret Am aflat că găsești putere în mom...
İt's Not Just Me lyrics
Tell me you've had trouble sleeping That you toss and turn from side to side That it's my face you've been seeing In your dreams at night Tell me that...
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