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Peter Gabriel lyrics
In Your Eyes [Greek translation]
Αγάπη, χάνομαι τόσο πολύ μερικές φορές Μέρες περνούν και αυτό το κενό γεμίζει την καρδιά μου Όταν θέλω να τρέξω μακριά Οδηγάω στο αμάξι μου αλλά από ό...
In Your Eyes [Hungarian translation]
Szerelmem, Annyira elveszek néha Telnek a napok És ez az üresség megtölti szívemet Mikor el akarok futni Elhajtok a kocsimmal De bármerre is megyek Vi...
In Your Eyes [Russian translation]
Любовь, я теряю ее, порой проходят дни И эта пустота наполняет мое сердце Когда я хочу убежать я уезжаю прочь на своей машине Но куда я бы не пошел Я ...
In Your Eyes [Serbian translation]
Ljubavi, Tako se izgubim, ponekad Dani prolaze I ova praznina ispunjava moje srce Kada želim da pobegnem Vozim svoja kola Ali kojim god putem da idem ...
In Your Eyes [Spanish translation]
Amor, Me pierdo, de vez en cuando Los días pasan Y este vacío llena mi corazón Cuando quiero huir Tomo mi auto y comienzo a manejar Pero dondequiera q...
In Your Eyes [Turkish translation]
Sevgilim, Bazen kaybolurum, Günler geçer, Ve bu boşluk kalbimi şişirir. Firar etmek istediğimde, Arabama biner giderim, Ama hangi yöne gidersem gideyi...
In Your Eyes [Turkish translation]
Aşk, Bazen kaybolurum Günler geçer Ve bu boşluk kalbimi doldurur Kaçmak istediğimde Arabama biner giderim Ama nereye gidersem gideyim Senin olduğun ye...
Intruder [Turkish translation]
Kapı ve pencere kilitlerini kırmak hakkında bir şeyler biliyorum. Gıcırtılı tahta zeminlerden nasıl sessizce geçeceğimi biliyorum. Çekmece ve dolaplar...
Kiss that Frog lyrics
Sweet little princess, let me introduce his frogness You alone can get him singing, He’s all puffed up, wanna be your king Splash, dash, heard your ca...
Kiss that Frog [Italian translation]
Bella principessina, permettetemi di presentarvi sua rospezza, voi sola potete farlo cantare, è tutto tronfio e vuole essere il vostro re. Si tuffa co...
Lay Your Hands On Me lyrics
Sat in the corner of the Garden Grill With plastic flowers on the windowsill No more miracles, loaves and fishes Been so busy with the washing of the ...
Lay Your Hands On Me [Turkish translation]
Izgara restoranının köşesinde oturdum - Pencere eşiğinde plastik çiçekler ile, Başka mucizeler yok artık, ekmekler ve balıklar* Bulaşıkların yıkanması...
Lead a Normal Life lyrics
It's nice here with a view of the trees Eating with a spoon? They don't give you knives? 'Spect you watch those trees Blowing in the breeze We want to...
Lead a Normal Life [Catalan translation]
És bonic això, amb un paisatge d'arbres Menges amb cullera? No et donen ganivets? Esperem que miris aquells arbres Sacsejats per la brisa Volem veure ...
Lead a Normal Life [Galician translation]
Estase ben aquí, con estas vistas de árbores Comes con culler? E logo, non che dan coitelos? Esperamos que mires aquelas árbores Que cimbran na brisa ...
Love to be loved lyrics
So, you know how people are When it's all gone much too far The way their minds are made Still, there's something you should know That I could not let...
Love to be loved [Italian translation]
Ecco, sai come sono le persone Quando le cose sono andate troppo avanti Sai che idee hanno Eppure, c'è qualcosa che dovresti sapere Una cosa che non s...
Mercy Street lyrics
Looking down on empty streets, all she can see Are the dreams all made solid Are the dreams made real All of the buildings, all of the cars Were once ...
Mercy Street [Croatian translation]
Gledajući dolje niz prazne ulice, sve što može vidjeti Snovi su pretvoreni u materiju Snovi su pretvoreni u stvarnost Sve zgrade, svi auti Bili su nek...
Mercy Street [Finnish translation]
Hän katsoo katuja tyhjiä, ei muuta nähdä voi ovatko unelmat kiinteiksi tehtyjä ovatko unelmat tehty tosiksi Kaikki rakennukset, autoista jokainen oli ...
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