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Portugal. The Man lyrics
Modern Jesus [French translation]
Entre à l’intérieur Assis toi prêt de moi Tu sais nous avons Nous avons ce dont tu as besoin Nous sommes peut être des menteursqui prêchons en chœurs ...
Modern Jesus [German translation]
Komm herein Nimm neben mir platz Weißt schon,wir haben Wir haben was du brauchst Wir predigen denen die schon glauben Aber wir können Wir können deine...
Modern Jesus [Lithuanian translation]
Užeik Prisėsk šalia manęs Tu žinai, kad mes turime Mes turime tai ko tau reikia Mes galime būti melagiais pamokslaujantys chorams Bet mes galim Mes ga...
Modern Jesus [Russian translation]
Заходи Садись со мной Ты знаешь,что у нас есть Мы можем быть лжецами в проповедующем хоре Но мы можем Мы можем продать твои мечты Ты не нуждаешься в с...
Modern Jesus [Spanish translation]
Pásale Siéntate al lado de mi Sabes que tenemos Tenemos lo que necesitas Tal vez somos mentirosos predicándole a los coros Pero podemos Podemos vender...
Modern Jesus [Turkish translation]
Haydi gel içeri Yanıma otur Biliyorsun bizde var Bizde var senin ihtiyacın olan şey Boşuna nefes tüketen yalancılar olabiliriz Ama biz Biz senin hayal...
Plastic Soldiers lyrics
Everything carries weight Everything is the same Within us, all together Everything carries weight Everything is the same And we are all together I ca...
Plastic Soldiers [Turkish translation]
Her şeyin bir önemi var Her şey aynı İçimizde, hep birlikte Her şeyin bir önemi var Her şey aynı Ve hepimiz birlikteyiz Kafamı tutamıyorum Arkadaşları...
Purple Yellow Red and Blue lyrics
[Chorus] All I Wanna do is Live in ectascy I know what's best for me I can't help it It's this hopeless itch I just wanna feel (wanna feel) Purple Yel...
Purple Yellow Red and Blue [Turkish translation]
Tek yapmak istediğim Ektaziyi yaşamak Kendim için iyi olanı biliyorum Acını dindiremem Bu umutsuz bir arzu Hissetmek istiyorum Mor, sarı, kırmızı ve m...
Rich Friends lyrics
[Verse 1] Hey man I'm cool to lean on But I'm not your property See I'm crushin' down these problems Cuttin' pain with poverty I'm just tryna catch a ...
Rich Friends [Spanish translation]
(Verso 1) Hey, hombre, puedes confiar en mí Pero no soy tu propiedad Mira, estoy aplastando estos problemas Acabando dolor con pobreza Sólo intento co...
Sea of Air lyrics
It's came the day we found a sea of air When we went back nothing was there It towered so tall it nearly left the ground Still when we looked nothing ...
Sea of Air [Russian translation]
День настал, мы нашли воздушное море. Когда мы возвращались, там не было ничего. Оно устремлялось так высоко, что едва не покинуло землю. Пока мы смот...
Sleep Forever lyrics
As I finally meet my end I won't be scared, I won't defend The things I've done I don't need him like you do I don't fear him like you do As the world...
Sleep Forever [Spanish translation]
Mientras finalmente me encuentre con mi final No tendré miedo, do defenderé Las cosas que he hecho No lo necesito a él como tu No lo temo a él como tu...
Smile lyrics
I don't need to talk about world alright I just wanna sleep with a smile tonight I don't wanna talk about the hungry people People down, and I'll slee...
So American lyrics
[Verse 1] If pain was a color to paint on you Your heart would be the color blue Be a gradient from there until your body met your hair Which remained...
So American [Russian translation]
[Стих 1] Будь боль цветом, чтобы рисовать на тебе Твое сердце будет голубого Будет градиентом оттуда, пока тело не встретится с волосами Которые остал...
Someday Believers lyrics
Yesterday has come and gone and we can't forget it anyway, we try Take the ride, if we get divided, you and I can't fight it March along, help me stay...
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